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2015 Sajauskas, Justinas Unforgettable names of Lithuania : novel of miniatures / Justinas Sajauskas ; Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania ; The General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania
2010 Batūra, Romas (кандыдат гістарычных навук ; нар. 1937) Places of fighting for Lithuania's freedom [Карты] : in the expanse of Nemunas, Vistula and Dauguva rivers : main battle places of Lithuanian defensive war with the Teutonic knights lasting for 250 years (1185―1435) : in commemoration of Tannenberg and Durbe / Romas Batūra ; The General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania
2014   Wars of Lithuania : a systemic quantitative analysis of Lithuania's wars in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries / edited by Gediminas Vitkus ; The General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania
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