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1996 Al-Qirawani, Ibn Al-Jazzar Tibb al-Fuqara wa al-Masakin / Ibn Al-Jazzar Al-Qirawani ; Ed.: Wajihah Kazim Al-i Tu'mah ; Intern. Inst. of Islamic Thought and Civilization ; Inst. of Islamic Studies Univ. of Tehran
1993 al-Razi, Muhammad ibn Zakariyya Kitab al-Shukuk 'Ala Jalinus : With Pers., Arab. and Engl. introd. / Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al-Razi ; Ed.: Mehdi Mohaghegh ; Intern. Inst. of Islamic Thought and Civilization, Kuala Lumpur*ISTAC
1997 Alavi, Mir Sayyed Ahmad Sharh-i Kitab al-Qabasat = A commentary on Mir Damad's K.al-Qabasat / Mir Sayyed Ahmad Alavi ; Ed.: Hamed Naji Isfahani ; Introd.: M.Mohaghegh ; Intern. Inst. of Islamic Thought and Civilization ; Inst. of Islamic Studies ; Univ. of Tehran
1997 Mohaghegh, M. Chaharumin bist guftar : The fourth coll. of twenty treatises on Persian literature, Islamic philosophy, theology, and history of science with a Bio-Bibliogr. / M.Mohaghegh ; Intern. Inst. of Islamic Thought and Civilization ; Inst. of Islamic Studies Univ. of Tehran
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