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Дата Автор Заглавие
2001 NATO Economic developments and reforms in cooperation partner countries = L'evolution et les reformes economiques dans les pays partenaires de la cooperation : The interrelationship between regional econ. coop., security and stability: Colloquim, 2-4 May 2001, Bucharest, Romania / NATO. Econ. Directorate and Office of Inform. and Press ; Ed.: P.Hardouin, R.Weichhardt, P.Sutcliffe
1999 NATO The Alliance's strategic concept : Approved by the heads of state and gov. participating in the meet. of the North Atlantic Council in Washington D.C. on 23 and 24 Apr. 1999
2001 NATO NATO handbook
1992 North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO handbook / North Atlantic Treaty Organization
1999 NATO The reader's guide to the NATO Summit in Washington, 23-25 April 1999
2000   Beyond the map : Archaeology and spatial technologies: Proc. of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, 1-2 Oct. 1999, Ravello, Italy / Ed.: G.Lock
1999 NATO Le concept strategique de l'Alliance : Approuve par les chefs d'Etat et de gouv. participant a la reunion du Conseil de l'Atlantique Nord tenue a Washington les 23 et 24 avr. 1999
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