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2001 Gawande, Kishore Exclusions for sale : Evidence on the Grossman-Helpman model of free trade agreements / Kishore Gawande, Pablo Sanguinetti, Alok K.Bohara
2000 Parish, Randall R Stability with hegemony : Brazil, Argentina, and Southern Cone integration / Randall R.Parish ; Latin Amer. and Iberian Inst. of the Univ. of New Mexico
2000 Eckmann, Teresa Chicano artists and Neo-Mexicanists : (De) constructions of nat. identity / Teresa Eckmann
2000 Frigerio, Alejandro La expansion de religiones afro-brasilenas en el Cono Sur: representaciones conflictivas de cultura, raza y nacion en un contexto de integracion regional / Alejandro Frigerio ; Latin Amer. and Iberian Inst. of the Univ. of New Mexico
2000 Stocker, Karen No somos nada : Ethnicity and three dominant and contradictory indigenist discourses in Costa Rica / Karen Stocker
2000 Paglieri, B. Institutional issues and the results of the tariff and non-tariff liberalization in mercosur / B.Paglieri, Pablo Sanguinetti ; Latin Amer. and Iberian Inst. of the Univ. of New Mexico
2001 Archer, Rachel Elaine Society, culture, and heroes : depictions of Cuban heroine Mariana Grajales Cuello, 1893―2000 / Rachel Elaine Archer
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