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Дата Автор Заглавие
1946   The international cyclopedia of music and musicians / editor: Oscar Thompson
2000 Slonimsky, Nicolas The great composers and their works / Nicolas Slonimsky ; Ed.: E.Yourke
2000 Slonimsky, Nicolas The great composers and their works / Nicolas Slonimsky ; Ed.: E.Yourke. — Vol. 2: Tchaikovsky. Rimsky-Korsakov. Mahler. Debussy. Strauss. Schoenberg. Ravel. Bartok. Stravinsky. Prokofiev. Shostakovich
2001   Baker's biographical dictionary of musicians. — Vol. 3: Haar - Levi
2001   Baker's biographical dictionary of musicians. — Vol. 6: Stre - Zyli
2006 Слонимский, Николас (1894—1995) Абсолютный слух : история жизни : [перевод с английского] / Н. Слонимский ; [примечания О. Рудневой, В. Банкевича и А. Вульфсона]
2000 Slonimsky, Nicolas The great composers and their works / Nicolas Slonimsky ; Ed.: E.Yourke. — Vol. 1: Bach. Handel. Haydn. Mozart. Beethoven. Mendelssohn. Wagner. Brahms
2001   Baker's biographical dictionary of musicians. — Vol. 1: Aalt - Cone
2001   Baker's biographical dictionary of musicians. — Vol. 2: Conf - Gysi
1946   The international cyclopedia of music and musicians / edited by Oscar Thompson
2001   Baker's biographical dictionary of musicians
2001   Baker's biographical dictionary of musicians. — Vol. 4: Levy - Pisa
2001   Baker's biographical dictionary of musicians. — Vol. 5: Pisc - Stra
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