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1999 United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women / Dep. of Publ. Infrom
2000 United Nations Common destiny, new resolve : Annual report on the work of the Organization, 2000 / Kofi A.Annan ; Dep. of Publ. Inform
1999 United Nations Disarmament : The world at a critical turning point : edited transcripts of the forums held in the UN on 8-9 Apr., 14 Apr., 22 Oct. and 27-29 Oct. 1998 and 15-22 Apr. 1999 by the NGO Comm. on Disarmament, in coop. with the UN Dep. for Disarmament Affairs and the UN Dep. of Publ. Inform., and the 11 May 1999 presentations by NGOs to the 3rd PrepCom for the Non-Proliferation Treaty Rev. Conf. in 2000
2000 United Nations Basic facts about the United Nations / Dep. of Publ. Inform
2001 United Nations United Nations Year of Dialogue among Civilizations, 2001 = Annee des Nations Unies pour le dialogue entre les civilisations, 2001 : Plenary meet. of the 56th sess. of the United Nations General Assembly / Dep. of Publ. Inform
1995 United Nations The United Nations and nuclear non-proliferation
2002 Организация Объединенных Наций World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, [31 August - 8 September 2001, Durban, South Africa] : Declaration and Programme of Action
1999 United Nations Facing the humanitarian challenge : Towards a culture of prevention / Kofi Annan ; Dep. of Publ. Inform
2001 United Nations World Summit on Sustainable Development, 2002, Johannesburg / Dep. of Publ. Inform
1997 United Nations The world conferences : Developing priorities for the 21st cent
1999 United Nations The United Nations and global commerce / Mark W. Zacher ; Des., publ. : Dep. of Publ. Inform., Development and Human Rights Section
2000 United Nations United Nations Millennium Declaration : Millennium Summit, 6-8 Sept. 2000, New York / Dep. of Publ. Inform. ; [Forew.: Kofi A. Annan]
2000 United Nations UN in brief / Dep. of Public Inform
2000 United Nations The United Nations and East Timor : Self-determination through popular consultation
2001 United Nations The United Nations youth agenda : Empowering youth for development and peace / Dep. of Publ. Inform
2001 United Nations World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, 31 Aug.-7 Sept. 2001, Durban, South Africa / Dep. of Publ. Inform
2000 United Nations Action for gender equality and the advancement of women : United Nations Gen. Assembly spec. sess. "Women 2000: Gender equality, development and peace for the 21st century", 5-9 June 2000, New York / Dep. of Publ. Inform
1999 United Nations The question of intervention : Statements by the Secretary-general / Kofi A. Annan ; Dep. of Publ. Inform
2000 United Nations "We the peoples" : The role of the United Nations in the 21st century / Kofi A. Annan ; Dep. of Publ. Inform
2001 United Nations "We the peoples" : The role of the United Nations in the 21st century: The Millennium report / Dep. of Publ. Inform
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