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2000 Council of Europe Societies in conflict: the contribution of law and democracy to conflict resolution = Societes en conflit: la contribution du droit et de la democratie au reglement des conflits / Europ. Commiss. for Democracy through Law
1998 Council of Europe Consequences of state succession for nationality : Repoprt by the Venice Commission / Europ. Commiss. for Democracy through Law
1999 Council of Europe New trends in electoral law in a pan-European context : Proceedings of the UniDem seminar, 17-18 Apr. 1998, Sarajevo / Europ. Commiss. for Democracy through Law ; In co-op. with the Univ. of Sarajevo a. the Central Europ. Initiative
1994 Council of Europe Models of constitutional jurisdiction / Helmut Steinberger ; Europ. Commiss. for Democracy through Law
1996 Council of Europe Local self-government, territorial integrity and protection of minorities : Proceedings of the UniDem Seminar, 25-27 Apr. 1996 / Europ. Commiss. for Democracy through Law in co-op. with the Swiss Inst. of Comparative Law
1993 Council of Europe The relationship between international and domestic law : Proceedings of the UniDem Seminar, 19-21 May 1993, Warsaw / Europ. Commiss. for Democracy through Law in co-op. with the Univ. of Wroclaw, the Poznan Human Rights Centre and supported by the Phare Programme of the Europ. Communities
1974 Council of Europe. Parliamentary Assembly Texts adopted by the Assembly / Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly = Textes adoptés par l'Assemblée / Conseil de l'Europe, Assemblée parlementaire
1998 Council of Europe Law and foreign policy / Europ. Commiss. for Democracy through Law
1993 Council of Europe Constitution making as an instrument of democratic transition : Proceedings of the UniDem Conference, Istanbul, 8-10 Oct. 1992 / Europ. Commiss. for Democracy through Law in co-op. with the Gov. of the Republic of Turkey a. the Tur. Democracy Found
1999 Council of Europe The principle of respect for human dignity : Proceedings of the UniDem Seminar, 2-6 July 1998, Montpellier / Europ. Commiss. for Democracy through Law in co-op. "Pole univ. europ. de Montpellier et du Languedoc-Roussillon" and the Fac. of Law, Univ. of Montpellier I
1995 Council of Europe The modern concept of confederation : Proceedings of the UniDem Seminar, Santorini, 22-25 Sept. 1994 / Europ. Commiss. for Democracy through Law, Min. of Foreigh Affairs of Greece
2000 Council of Europe The right to a fair trial / Europ. Commiss. for Democracy through Law
1997 Council of Europe The composition of constitutional courts / Europ. Commiss. for Democracy through Law
1994 Council of Europe Rule of law and transition to a market economy : Proceedings of the UniDem Seminar, 14-16 Oct. 1993 / Europ. Commiss. for Democracy through Law in co-op. with the New Bulg. Univ., the Univ. of Blagoevgrad and supported by the PHARE Programme of the Europ. Communities
2004 Организация по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе Guidelines for review of legislation pertaining to religion or belief / Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights ; European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission)
1994 Council of Europe The role of the constitutional court in the consolidation of the rule of law : Proceedings of the UniDem Seminar, 8-10 June 1994, Bucharest / Europ. Commiss. for Democracy through Law in co-op. with the Romanian Constitutional Court with the support of the Min. of Foreign Affairs of Romania
1997 Council of Europe Federal and regional states / Europ. Commiss. for Democracy through Law
1994 Council of Europe Constitutional aspects of the transition to a market economy : Collected documents / Europ. Commiss. for Democracy through Law
1995 Council of Europe Emergency powers / Europ. commiss. for Democracy through Law ; Rep. : Ergun Ozbudun, Mehmet Turhan
1998 Council of Europe The transformation of the nation-state in Europe at the dawn of the 21st century : Proceedings of the UniDem Seminar, Nancy, 6-8 Nov. 1997 / Europ. Commiss. for Democracy through Law etc
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