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2003   Gale directory of databases / editor: Alan Hedblad ; founding editor: Martha E.Williams. — Vol. 2: CD-ROM, diskette, magnetic tape, handheld, and batch access database products. Pt. 1
2004   International research centers directory : A world guide to more than 10000 gov., univ., independent nonprofit, and commercial research and development centers, inst., laboratories, bureaus, test facilities, experiment stations, research parks, and data coll. and analysis centers, as well as foundations, councils, and other organizations which support research / Ed.: Alan Hedblad
2003   Gale directory of publications and broadcast media : An annu. guide to publ. a. broadcasting stations incl. newsp., mag., j., radio stations, television stations, a. cable systems / Ed.: Alan Hedblad. — Vol. 4: U.S. and Canada : Reg. market ind
2003   Gale directory of publications and broadcast media : An annu. guide to publ. a. broadcasting stations incl. newsp., mag., j., radio stations, television stations, a. cable systems / Ed.: Alan Hedblad. — Vol. 5: International : Intern. ind.: Entries 40082-57209
2003   Encyclopedia of associations. Regional, state, and local organizations : A guide to nearly 111000 United States nonprofit membership organizations with regional, state, or local scope and concerned with all subjects and areas of activity / Ed.: Alan Hedblad. — Vol. 2: Northeastern States : Includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont
2003   Encyclopedia of associations. Regional, state, and local organizations : A guide to nearly 111000 United States nonprofit membership organizations with regional, state, or local scope and concerned with all subjects and areas of activity / Ed.: Alan Hedblad. — Vol. 4: South, Central and Great Plains States : Includes Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Texas
2002   Encyclopedia of governmental advisory organization : A ref. guide to over 7350 permanent, continuing, and ad hoc U.S. presidential advisory comm., congressional advisory comm., publ advisory comm.... serving in a consultative, coordinating, advisory, research, or investigative capacity / Project ed.: Alan Hedblad
2003   Gale directory of publications and broadcast media : An annu. guide to publ. a. broadcasting stations incl. newsp., mag., j., radio stations, television stations, a. cable systems / Ed.: Alan Hedblad. — Vol. 3: U.S. and Canada : Broadcast networks and news and feature syndicates. Ind. a. tab.: Entries 39400-40081
2002   Gale directory of publications and broadcast media : Update: An interedition service providing new listings and updates to listings in the main volume / Ed.: Alan Hedblad
2003   Gale directory of databases / Ed.: Alan Hedblad
2003   Online databases. Pt. 1
2003   Gale directory of publications and broadcast media : An annu. guide to publ. a. broadcasting stations incl. newsp., mag., j., radio stations, television stations, a. cable systems / Ed.: Alan Hedblad
2003   Gale directory of publications and broadcast media : An annu. guide to publ. a. broadcasting stations incl. newsp., mag., j., radio stations, television stations, a. cable systems / Ed.: Alan Hedblad. — Vol. 2: U.S. and Canada : New Jersey - Wyoming. Canada: Entries 19384-39399
2002   Encyclopedia of associations. Regional, state, and local organizations : A guide to over 116,000 United States nonprofit membership organizations with regional, state, or local scope and concerned with all subjects and areas of activity / Project ed.: Alan Hedblad. — Vol. 3: Southern and Middle Atlantic States : includes Alabama, Delaware, Distric of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virgin Islands, Virginia, and West Virginia
2003   Gale directory of databases / editor: Alan Hedblad ; founding editor: Martha E.Williams
2003   Encyclopedia of associations : An assoc. unlimited ref.: A guide to more than 22000 nat. and intern. organizations / Ed.: Alan Hedblad. — Vol. 1. Pt. 3: Name and keyword index : Includes assoc. addresses and phone numbers
2002   Encyclopedia of associations. Regional, state, and local organizations : A guide to over 116,000 United States nonprofit membership organizations with regional, state, or local scope and concerned with all subjects and areas of activity / Project ed.: Alan Hedblad
2002   Directories in print : A descriptive guide to print and non-print directories, buyer's guides, rosters and other address lists of all kinds: Supplement: Entry 15, 741-15, 423 (Entry number sequences continue from main volume) / Project ed.: Alan Hedblad
2002   Encyclopedia of associations. Regional, state, and local organizations : A guide to over 116,000 United States nonprofit membership organizations with regional, state, or local scope and concerned with all subjects and areas of activity / Project ed.: Alan Hedblad. — Vol. 5: Western States : includes Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming
2002   Encyclopedia of associations. Regional, state, and local organizations : A guide to over 116,000 United States nonprofit membership organizations with regional, state, or local scope and concerned with all subjects and areas of activity / Project ed.: Alan Hedblad. — Vol. 1: Great Lakes States : includes Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin
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