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2001 Uzikov, Yu N Model-independent analysis of the neutron-proton final-state interaction region in the pp - pnп+ reaction / Yu.N.Uzikov, C.Wilkin
1996 Uzikov, Yu N Role of deuteron NN-components in processes pd-- dp and pd-- dN
1998 Uzikov, Yu N Structure of the 3He in backward elastic p3He-scattering
2001 Uzikov, Yu N On contribution of three-body forces to Nd interaction at intermediate energies / Yu.N.Uzikov
1998 Uzikov, Yu N Backward elastic p3He-scattering and high momentum components of 3He wave function
1995 Kondratyuk, L. A. Two step mechanism of n,n,w,ф-meson production in pD --3HeX reaction
2000 Uzikov, Yu N Deuteron breakup pd - pnp in specific kinematics and short-range NN-interaction / Yu.N.Uzikov
1997 Smirnov, A. V. Deuteron disintegration by protons in kinematics of the quasi-elastic backward pd-scattering
1995   The mechanisms of the pD - H K reaction / [Auth.]:V.I.Komarov,A.V.Lado,Yu.N.Uzikov
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