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   Запрос: a001="BY-SEK-291367"
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Дата Автор Заглавие
1966 Астроўскі, Віктар Радаслававіч (1912—1975) Polski unijacki kaścioł dla biełarusau, abo "Ubrał się diabeł w komžę i ogonem na mszę dzwoni" / Viktar Astrouski
1969   The ancient names and early cartography of Byelorussia : material for historical research and study / compiled and edited by Wiktor Ostrowski
1970   The ancient names and early cartography of Byelorussia : material for historical research and study / compiled and edited by Wiktor Ostrowski
1960   Anti-Semitism in Byelorussia and its origin : material for historical research and study of the subject / reviewed, arranged and compiled by Wiktor Ostrowski
1961   Russia. The suburb of hell from Ivan Kalita to Khrushchev Nikita : material for historical research and study of the subject / reviewed, arranged, and compiled by Wiktor Ostrowski
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