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Дата Автор Заглавие
1998   Search for spontaneous fission of 226Ra and systematics of the spontaneous fission, a-decay and cluster decay probabilities / [ Auth. ] : V. L. Mikheev, S. P. Tretyakova, M. Hussonnois a o
1996   Investigations of fissionable elements in the Turkish fluorites / [Auth.]:S.P.Tretyakova,Yu.Ts.Oganessian,T.Akyuz a.o
1999   Capture from a random flux to the channeling for protons transmitted through a Si foil / [Auth.] : S. A. Karamian, W. Assmann, K. Ertl, D. Fritschke, H. D. Mieskes, B. Schmidt, S. P. Tretyakova
1995   Collecting nuclear reaction products by adsorption from a gas flow in a slit channel / Yu.P.Kharitonov,A.N.Golovchenko,V.L.Mikheev at al
1988 Tretyakova, S. P. Observation of nucleon clusters in the spontaneous decay of ²³4U : E7-88-803
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