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   Запрос: a001="BY-SEK-201901"
   Записи: 1 - 7 из 7 (стр. 1 из 1)

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Дата Автор Заглавие
1999 Zupnik, B. M. Harmonic superpotentials and symmetries in gauge theories with eight supercharges
1995 Zupnik, B. M. Quantum deformations of the self-duality equation and conformal twistors
1995 Zupnik, B. M. Zero-curvature representation for harmonic-superspace equations of motion in N=1, D=6 supersymmetric gauge theory
1999 Zupnik, B. M. Partial spontaneous breakdown of 3-dimensional N=2 supersymmetry
1994 Zupnik, B. M. Solution of self-duality equation in quantum-group gauge theory and quantum harmonics
1994 Zupnik, B. M. Differential calculus on the quantum sphere and deformed self-duality equation
1998 Zupnik, B. M. Background harmonic superfields in N = 2 supergravity
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