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1998   Catalogue of innovation projects and elaboration on results of completion of state scientific and technical programs and innovation projects on social problems and creation of innovative technologies, machines and materials / Republic of Belarus, State Committee on Science and Technologies ; Scientific Innovation Association "INPROMTECH". — Iss. 4 / [edited by V. Gajsyonok, O. Roman]
1999   Catalogue of innovation projects and elaboration on results of completion of state scientific and technical programs and innovation projects on social problems and creation of innovative technologies, machines and materials / Republic of Belarus, State Committee on Science and Technologies ; Scientific Innovation Association "INPROMTECH". — Iss. 5 / [edited by V. Gajsyonok, O. Roman]
2000   Catalogue of innovation projects and elaboration on results of completion of state scientific and technical programs and innovation projects on social problems and creation of innovative technologies, machines and materials / Republic of Belarus, State Committee on Science and Technologies ; Scientific Innovation Association "INPROMTECH". — Iss. 6 / [edited by A. Lesnikovich, O. Roman]
2001   Catalogue of innovation projects and elaboration on results of completion of state scientific and technical programs and innovation projects on social problems and creation of innovative technologies, machines and materials / Republic of Belarus, State Committee on Science and Technologies ; Scientific Innovation Association "INPROMTECH". — Iss. 7 / [edited by A. Lesnikovich, O. Roman]
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