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1993 Council of Europe Potential long-term ecological impact of genetically modified organisms : A survey of literature, guidelines and legislation / Pieter van der Meer ; Steering Comm. for the Conservation and Management of the Environment and Natural Habitats (CDPE)
1994 Council of Europe The integrated development of the countryside in central and eastern European countries / Auth.: L.Ryszkowski ; Stering Comm. for the Conservation and Management of the Environment and Natural Habitats(CDPE)
1989 Council of Europe Texts adopted by the Council of Europe in the field of the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats / Steering Comm. for Conservation and Management of the Environment and Natural Habitats
1994 Council of Europe Environmental education for the farming community : Experimental schemes in Europe / Francoise Lieberherr-Gardiol ; Steering Comm. for the Conservation and Management of the Environment and Natural Habitats (CDPE)
1994 Council of Europe Marine turtles in the Mediterranean: distribution, population status, conservation / Brian Groombridge ; Steeting Comm.for the Conservation and Management of the Environment and Natural Habitats
1995 Council of Europe European soil resources : Current status of soil degradation, causes, impacts and need for action / G.W.J. van Lynden
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