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2004 Central European Initiative. Projectguide, 2003-2004 : CEI Networking match-making contacts and project opportunities in the region
2001 Central European Initiative. CEI facing the challenges and opportunities of the new Europe: Ideas for a programme : Policy paper of the Forli conf., 2-3 Febr. 2001 / Ital. Presidency of the Central Europ. Initiative ; Min. degli Affari Esteri ; Univ. degli Studi di Bologna ; Inst. per l`Europa Centro-Orientale e Balcanica
2003 Central European Initiative. Summer Seminar for Young Public Servants from Southeastern Europe : The discussion papers, 6-10 Sept. 2003, Sofia, Bulgaria / Econ. Policy Inst. ; The Embassy of the Federal Rep. of Germany ; The Bertelsmann Foundation
2003   Nei suoni dei luoghi = In the sounds of places : Festival musicale intern., 2003 / Assoc. Progetto Musica ; Central Europ. initiative
2003 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe InvestiGuide, 2002-2003 : Project opportunities and contacts for the CEI region / Central Europ. Initiative
2003 Central European Initiative. Central European Initiative in figures : Pol. CEI Presidency, 2003 / Central Statist. Office
2000 Central European Initiative. Proceedings of the conference women's entrepreneurship East-West co-operation, 21-22 Oct. 1999, Brijuni, Croatia / Inst. for Intern. Relations ; Center for Small and Medium Enterprises
2000 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Through the looking glass, 2000-2001 : A handbook for investors in CEI regions / Central European Initiative
2001 Central European Initiative. Diplomacy in the era of globalisation : Intern. conf., 6-7 Oct. 2000, Dubrovnik, Croatia / Min. of Foreign Affairs of the Rep. of Croatia. Diplomatic Acad
2003 Central European Initiative. The business dimension for the co-operation among CEI countries in the economic field = La dimensione economica per la cooperazione tra i paesi In.C.E. / Central Europ. Chambers of Commerce Initiative
1999 Central European Initiative. Towards sustainable transport in the CEI countries : About the CEI Min. Declaration "Towards Sustainable Transport in the CEI Countries", Joint Pilot Study on Environmentally Sustainable Transport in the CEI Countries in Transition, CEI SubGroup "Environment and Transport", May 1999, Vienna / [Publ.]: Austr. Federal Min. for Environment, Youth and Family ; Organisation for Econ. Co-operation and Development ; UNEP
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