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2012 Виссия, Херман Элизабет Рене Мария (информатика) Models, algorithms and the technology for decision making intellectualization based on subject collections : the author's abstract of the dissertation for the scientific degree of PhD in technical sciences : speciality 05.13.17 Theoretical foundations of computer science / Vissia Herman Elizabeth Rene Maria ; Belarusian State University
2012 Виссия, Херман Элизабет Рене Мария (информатика) Models, algorithms and the technology for decision making intellectualization based on subject collections : dissertation for the scientific degree of PhD in technical sciences : speciality 05.13.17 Theoretical foundations of computer science / Vissia Herman Elisabeth Rene Maria ; scientific adviser: V. V. Krasnoproshin ; Belarusian State University
2012 Виссия, Херман Элизабет Рене Мария (информатика) Models, algorithms and the technology for decision making intellectualization based on subject collections : dissertation for the scientific degree of PhD in technical sciences : speciality 05.13.17 ― Theoretical foundations of computer science / Vissia Herman Elizabeth Rene Maria ; scientific adviser: Krasnoproshin V. V. ; Belarusian State University
2019 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Artificial intelligence for sustainable development: challenges and opportunities for UNESCO's science and engineering programmes : working paper
1995 Кроль, Татьяна Яковлевна (кандидат технических наук) Разработка инструментальной системы для проектирования электроприводов станков с применением методов инженерии знаний : Автореф. дис. на соиск. учен. степ. канд. техн. наук : 05.13.12 / Иван. гос. энерг. ун-т
2002 Червинская, Ксения Ральфовна (кандидат технических наук) Медицинская психодиагностика и инженерия знаний / К.Р.Червинская, О.Ю.Щелкова ; Под ред. Л.И.Вассермана
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