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Дата Автор Заглавие
2010   "I am an adult person" : development and implementation of occupational therapy for multihandicapped youth in Belarus / [authors: Thieu Dollevoet [et al.] ; under the overall editorship of Jos Kienhuis] ; Non-Governmental Organization "Belarusian Association of Assistance to Children and Young People with Disabilities" ; Belarusian State Pedagogical University
2009 Беларуская асацыяцыя дапамогі дзецям-інвалідам і маладым інвалідам We are together though ― we are different! : dedicated to the 15th anniversary of NGO "Belarusian Association of Assistance to Children and Young People with Disabilities", 1994―2009
2010   "I am an adult person" : development and implementation of occupational therapy for multihandicapped youth in Belarus / [authors: T. Dollevoet [et al.] ; under the overall editorship of I. Minenkova] ; Non-Governmental Organization "Belarusian Association of Assistance to Children and Youth People with Disabilities" ; Belarusian State Pedagogical University
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