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Дата Автор Заглавие
2003 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2003 : supplements. — Suppl. 21: Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia : report on the 22nd session, 14―17 April 2003
2006 United Nations. Economic and Social Council English and Arabic documents issued by ESCWA from 1 January 2005 to 31 December 2005 / Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, Conference Services Section
2000 United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia English and Arabic documents issued by ESCWA : From 1 Jan. 1999 to 31 Dec. 1999 / Conf. Services Section
2005 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2005 : supplements. — Suppl. 21: Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia : report on the twenty-third session, 9-12 May 2005
2002 United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia English and Arabic documents issued by ESCWA : from 1 Jan. 2001 to 31 Dec. 2001 / Conf. Service Section
2004 Организация Объединенных Наций. Экономическая и социальная комиссия для Западной Азии ESCWA annual report, 2004
2004 Организация Объединенных Наций. Экономическая и социальная комиссия для Западной Азии Report of the Executive Secretary, 2002-2003
2000 Организация Объединенных Наций. Экономическая и социальная комиссия для Западной Азии 1998-1999 report
2002 Организация Объединенных Наций. Экономическая и социальная комиссия для Западной Азии Annual report, 2002
2003 United Nations. Econimic and Social Council. Economic and Social Commissionfor Western Asia. English and Arabic documents issued by ESCWA : from 1 Jan. 2002 to 31 Dec. 2002 / Conf. Services Section
2005 United Nations. Economic and Social Council English and Arabic documents issued by ESCWA from 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2004 / Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. Conference Services Section
2001 United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia English and Arabic documents issued by ESCWA : From 1 Jan. 2000 to 31 Dec. 2000 / Conference Services Section
2001 Организация Объединенных Наций. Экономическая и социальная комиссия для Западной Азии ESCWA, 2001 : The annual report
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