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Дата Автор Заглавие
2004 United Nations. Department of Public Information. United Nations publications catalogue, 2004
2000 Turonek, Jerzy (доктар гістарычных навук ; 1929—2019) Ksiazka bialoruska w II Rzeczypospolitej, 1921-1939 / Jerzy Turonek ; PAN. Inst. Slawistyki
1918 Savtchenko, Th L'Ukraine et la question ukrainienne / Th.Savtchenko
2005 Мишкинене, Галина (филолог ; род. 1966) Каталог арабскоалфавитных рукописей литовских татар / Галина Мишкинене, Сигита Намавичюте, Екатерина Покровская
2002 United Nations. Office of Legal Affairs. Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea The law of the sea : A select bibliogr., 2001
2001   Ulrich's periodicals directory, 2002 : including irregular serials & annuals: The global source for period. inform. since 1932 / Prep.: R.R.Bowker's Database Publ. Group. — Vol. 1: Classified list of serials: A-D
2003   Ulrich's periodicals directory, 2004 : Including irregular serials & annuals: International periodicals information since 1932 / Prep.: R. R. Bowker's Database Publ. Group. — Vol. 1: Classified list of serials : A-D
2003   Ulrich's periodicals directory, 2004 : Including irregular serials & annuals: International periodicals information since 1932 / Prep.: R. R. Bowker's Database Publ. Group. — Vol. 2: Classified list of serials : E-L
2002   Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon : das 20. Jahrhundert : biographisch-bibliographisches Handbuch / begründet von Wilhelm Kosch ; fortgeführt von Carl Ludwig Lang. — Bd. 3: Blaas - Braunfels
1998 Pagell, Ruth A International business information : How to find it, how to use it / Ruth A. Pagell, Michael Halperin
2003   Пятнадцать новых книг литовской прозы: 2002-2003 / перевод: Георгий Ефремов
2004   The dictionary of British classicists / general editor: Robert B. Todd ; supervising editors: Herbert W. Benario [et al.]. — T. 2: G - N
2000 ООН. Международный валютный фонд Research activities of the International Monetary Fund, January 1991 - December 1999 / Prep.: Interdepartmental Working Group on Fund Research
2000   Lietuvos bibliografines priemones = Lithuanian bibliographical tools : Bibliogrfijos rodykle, 1999 / Liet. Nac. Martyno Mazvydo Bibl. Bibliogr. ir knygotyros centras ; Sudaryt.: Rita Urbonaite
2001 Dusel, Hans Heinrich Die sowjetische Flugblattpropaganda gegen Deutschland im Zweiten Weltkrieg : die Frontflugblätter der nördlichen Fronten / Hans Heinrich Düsel
2005 Milius, Vacys (историк ; 1926—2005) Lietuviu etnologijos bibliografija, 1997-2002 = Bibliography of Lithuanian ethnology, 1997-2002 / Vacys Milius ; Lietuvos istorijos institutas
2004   Lietuvos bibliografines priemones = Lithuanian bibliographical tools : Bibliogr. r-kle, 2003 / Sudare: Rita Urbonaite ; Liet. Nac. Martyno Mazvydo Bibl. Bibliogr. Knygotyros Centras
2001 Bracken, James K The undergraduate's companion to American writers and their web sites / James K. Bracken, Larry G. Hinman
1985   Fernando Pessoa : Coracao de ninguem: Catalogo da exp. apresentada em Dez. de 1985 na Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian / [Red.]: Teresa Rita Lopes et al
1970   Byelorussian-Canadian periodical publications : A preliminary check list / Comp.: Alex A. Hrycuk, Alexander Malycky
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