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Дата Автор Заглавие
2007 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Our waters : joining hands across borders : first assessment of transboundary rivers, lakes and groundwaters / Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes
2004 Минакова, Елена Анатольевна (кандидат географических наук) Учет метеорологических факторов в управлении качеством поверхностных вод : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата географических наук : 25.00.36 / Минакова Елена Анатольевна ; [Казанский государственный университет им. В.И.Ульянова-Ленина]
1994 Григорьев, Евгений Григорьевич (доктор экономических наук ; род. 1935) Хозяйственный механизм территориального водопользования / Рос. акад. наук и др
2006   Водные ресурсы Республики Беларусь : использование и охрана
2009 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe River basin commissions and other institutions for transboundary water cooperation / United Nations Development Programme ; Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
2009 United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia Knowledge management and analysis of ESCWA member countries capacities in managing shared water resources
2013   Непаўторныя балотныя ландшафты Беларусі [Выяўленчы матэрыял] = Unique Peatland Landscapes of Belarus : набор паштовак / фота: Аляксандр Казулін і інш
1995 United Nations. World Bank Overcoming agricultural pollution of water : the challenge of intergrating agricultural and environmental policies in the European Union / Susanne M. Scheierling
1972   Водные ресурсы : журнал / Российская академия наук
1994 United Nations. World Bank International river basin organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa / Robert Rangeley [et al.]
1996 United Nations. World Bank African water resources : challenges and opportunities for sustainable development / Narendra P. Sharma [et al.]
2007 United Nations. World Bank Making the most of scarcity : accountability for better water management results in the Middle East and North Africa
2019 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Protocol on Water and Health and the 2030 Agenda : a practical guide for joint implementation / World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe
2018 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe The Water Convention : responding to global water challenges
2019 Naidoo, Shalinee Encyclopedia of environmental science / Shalinee Naidoo. — Vol. 5: Integrated water management
2004 "До чистих джерел", усеўкраінскі конкурс (2004) Ілюстрований каталог робіт всеукраїнського конкурсу "До чистих джерел" / [Міністерство охорони навколишнього природного середовища України, УВМС "Екологія людини" ; працювалі: К. І. Жебровська]
2022   Сучасны Мінск: у гармоніі з прыродай = Современный Минск: в гармонии с природой = Modern Minsk: in garmony with nature : [альбом фатаграфій удзельнікаў конкурсу фатаграфій на экалагічную тэматыку "Зялёны Мінск" розных гадоў] / Мінскі гарадскі камітэт прыродных рэсурсаў і аховы навакольнага асяроддзя ; [фота: В. Кішылаў і інш.]
2017 UNESCO. International Hydrological Programme Groundwater in a changing environment : activities and outcomes, 2016—2017 : IHP-VIII thematic area 2
2006 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры Water : a shared responsibility / UNESCO
2001 United Nations Environment Programme Lakes and reservoirs. — Vol. 2: The watershed : water from the mountains into the sea / text: Walter Rast [et al.]
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