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Дата Автор Заглавие
2013 Marczak, Mariusz Communication and information technology in (intercultural) language teaching / Mariusz Marczak
2017 Millais, Malcolm Le Corbusier, the dishonest architect / Malcolm Millais
2019 Яргин, Сергей Вадимович The overestimation of medical consequences of low-dose exposure to ionizing radiation / Sergei V. Jargin
2019 Desjardins, D. D. Oscar Wilde and the art of lying / D. D. Desjardins
2018 Vila-Cabanes, Isabel The flaneur in nineteenth-century British literary culture : "the worlds of London unknown" / Isabel Vila-Cabanes
2011   Censorship across borders : the reception of English literature in twentieth-century Europe / edited by Catherine O'Leary and Alberto Lázaro
2019 Мезяная, Кіра Мікалаеўна (урач, псіхіятр ; нар. 1952) Virtual world : creators, residents, and tourists / Kira N. Mezianaya, Konstantin M. Karaneuski and Konstantin D. Yashin ; [translation from Russian by Serguey Ivanov] ; [foreword by E. K. Doroshevich]
2017 Motta, Giuseppe The great war against Eastern European Jewry, 1914—1920 / Giuseppe Motta
2020 Руды, Кірыл Валянцінавіч (доктар эканамічных навук ; нар. 1978) The behavioural economics of Belarus : "Because we decided so" / Kiryl Rudy
2014   Intercultural communication competence: conceptualization and its development in cultural contexts and interactions / edited by Xiaodong Dai and Guo-Ming Chen
2018   Writers' biographies and family histories in 20th- and 21st-century literature / edited by Aude Haffen and Lucie Guiheneuf
2014 Brownlees, Nicholas The language of periodical news in seventeenth-century England / Nicholas Brownlees
2018   The social question in the global world / edited by Ewa Bogalska-Martin and Emmanuel Matteudi
2018 Rushton, Alan R. Talking back against the Nazi scheme to kill the handicapped citizens of Germany, 1933—1945 / Alan R. Rushton
2016   Literature in exile : emigrants' fiction 20th century experience / edited by Irma Ratiani
2018   Collaborative and distributed processes in contemporary music-making / edited by Lauren Redhead and Richard Glover
2021 Руды, Кірыл Валянцінавіч (доктар эканамічных навук ; нар. 1978) A look at China and Sino-Belarus cooperation : this is different / Kiryl Rudy
2020 Руды, Кірыл Валянцінавіч (доктар эканамічных навук ; нар. 1978) State capitalism reforms and the path for Belarus : financial diet / Kiryl Rudy
2014   From Eastern Partnership to the Association : a legal and political analysis / edited by Naděžda Šišková ; [preface by Štefan Füle]
2018   The strategic repositioning of arts, culture and heritage in the 21st century / edited by George Mugovhani, Owen Seda and Mzo Sirayi
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