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Дата Автор Заглавие
1855 Bouët-Willaumez, Édouard (1808―1871) Batailles de terre et de mer jusques et y compris la bataille de l'Alma / E. Bouët-Willaumez
1941 Zerkaulen, Heinrich Strasse 50 : eine Erzählung aus Norwegen / Heinrich Zerkaulen
1833 Langlois, Jean-Charles (мастак ; 1789—1870) Panorama d'Alger / peint par M. Charles Langlois
2015 Hubert, Witold (1889― пасля 1939) Historia wojen morskich / Witold Hubert ; [redakcja: Katarzyna Błoch]
1932 Farrère, Claude (1876—1957) Deux combats navals, 1914 / Claude Farrère et Paul Chack
2016 Harding, Stephen Dawn of infamy : a sunken ship, a vanished crew, and the final mystery of Pearl Harbor / Stephen Harding
1870 Joinville, François-Ferdinand-Philippe-Louis-Marie d'Orléans (1818―1900) Études sur la marine et récits de guerre. T. 1―2 / prince de Joinville
2017 Reich, Simon (нар. 1959) The end of grand strategy : US maritime operations in the twenty-first century / Simon Reich and Peter Dombrowski
1940 Ellsberg, Edward (1891—1983) On the bottom / Edward Ellsberg
2012 Harris, Brayton (нар. 1932) Admiral Nimitz : the commander of the Pacific Ocean theater / Brayton Harris
2016 Berczenko, Mikołaj Kolory Pierwszej wojny światowej na morzu [Выяўленчы матэрыял] = Colours of the Great War at sea = Farben des Ersten Weltkrieges auf See = На морях и океанах Первой Мировой войны / Mikołaj Berczenko
2002 Dockery, Kevin Navy SEALs : a history / Kevin Dockery. — Pt. 2: The Vietnam years : from interviews by Bud Brutsman
2001 Dockery, Kevin Navy SEALs : a history / Kevin Dockery. — [Pt. 1]: A history of the early years
2003 Dallies-Labourdette, Jean-Philippe S-Boote [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : les vedettes rapides de la Kriegsmarine (1939―1945) / Jean-Philippe Dallies-Labourdette ; illustrations de Bruno Pautigny
1994 Gozdawa-Gołębiowski, Jan Pierwsza wojna światowa na morzu / Jan Gozdawa-Gołębiowski, Tadeusz Wywerka Prekurat
1999 Kemp, Paul Underwater warriors / Paul Kemp
1980 Majewski, Stanisław (1928―2001) Bohaterowie Adriatyku / Stanisław Majewski
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