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1994 United Nations. World Bank Albania and the World Bank : building the future
1998 United Nations. World Bank MIGA and foreign direct investment: evaluating developmental impacts : draft text
1996 United Nations. World Bank Participation in practice : the experience of the World Bank and other stakeholders / edited by Jennifer Rietbergen-McCracken
1994 United Nations. World Bank World Bank-financed projects with community participation : procurement and disbursement issues / Gita Gopal, Alexandre Marc
2006 United Nations. World Bank Infrastructure at the crossroads : lessons from 20 years of World Bank experience
2000 United Nations. World Bank Evaluating the impact of development projects on poverty : a handbook for practitioners / Judy L. Baker
2015 "Польшча — Беларусь — Украіна", праграма транспамежнага супрацоўніцтва (2007—2013) Projekty z Programu Współpracy Transgranicznej Polska ― Białoruś ― Ukraina, 2007―2013 [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : księga projektów / redaktor Hanna Rybarska
2004 United Nations. World Bank Addressing the challenges of globalization : an independent evaluation of the World Bank's approach to global programs
2006 United Nations. World Bank The other half of gender : men's issues in development / edited by Ian Bannon, Maria C. Correia
2014 Рижкова, Ганна Володимирівна Розвиток банківського кредитування енергоефективних проектів в Україні : автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата економічних наук : спеціальність 08.00.08 Гроші, фінанси і кредит / Рижкова Ганна Володимирівна ; Державна податкова служба України, Національний університет державної податкової служби України
1997 United Nations. World Bank The Niger household energy project : promoting rural fuelwood markets and village management of natural woodlands / Gerald Foley [et al.]
1995 United Nations. World Bank Procurement and disbursement manual for projects with community participation / Gita Gopal
1998 United Nations. World Bank The World Bank Inspection Panel: the first four years (1994—1998) / editor: Alvaro Umaña
2001 United Nations. World Bank The Inspection Panel annual report, August 1, 2000, to July 31, 2001
2002 United Nations. World Bank The Inspection Panel annual report, August 1, 2001, to June 30, 2002
1997 United Nations. World Bank The impact of environmental assessment : a review of World Bank experience
1995 United Nations. World Bank Gender issues in World Bank lending / Josette L. Murphy
2006 United Nations. World Bank Bridging diversity: participatory learning for responsive development / Lawrence F. Salmen and Eileen Kane
2001 United Nations. World Bank Participation in project preparation : lessons from World Bank-assisted projects in India / Trond Vedeld
1995 United Nations. World Bank The rain decided to help us : participatory watershed management in the state of Maharashtra, India / Crispino Lobo, Gudrun Kochendörfer-Lucius
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