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Дата Автор Заглавие
1992 Council of Europe European Social Charter : Conclusions XII-1, 1988-89 / Comm. of Independent Experts
1994 Council of Europe European Social Charter : Conclusions XIII-1 1990-91 / Comm. of Independent Experts
1997 Council of Europe European Social Charter : 13th report (III) (Austria, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom) / Gov. Comm
1997 Council of Europe European Social Charter : Conclusions XIII-5 / Comm. of Independent Experts
1997 Council of Europe North/South local democracy : the European Charter of Local Self-Government in action : International conference, Malta, 14-16 March 1996 / Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe (CLRAE), Local Council Assoc. of Malta
1991 Council of Europe European Social Charter : Conclusions XI-2 / Comm. of Independent Experts of the Europ. Social Charter
1996 Council of Europe European Charter of Local Self-Government and explanatory report
2001 Толмачев, Николай Иванович Промышленная хартия и мировое сообщество / Толмачев Н.И
1996 Council of Europe The challenges of a greater Europe : The Council of Europe and democratic security
1996 Council of Europe Protocol amending the European Social Charter and explanatory report
1996 Council of Europe The right to organise and to bargain collectively : Protection within the European Social Charter: Study comp. on the basis of the case law of the Comm. of Independent Experts / Niamh Ann Casey
2001 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры A guide to human rights : Institutions, standards, procedures / Ed.: J.Symonides, V.Volodin
1998 Совет Европы Краткое содержание договоров Совета Европы / Юридич. департамент ; [Введ.]: Д.Таршис, Ген. секретарь
1996 Council of Europe Law and practice of the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Social Charter / [Auth.] : Donna Gomien, David Harris, Leo Zwaak
2000 Conseil de l`Europe. Emploi, orientation et formation professionnelles dans la Charte sociale europeenne : Etude etablie sur la base de la jurisprudence du Comite europ. des Droits sociaux
1910 Любавский, Матвей Кузьмич (1860—1936) Очерк истории Литовско-Русского государства до Люблинской унии включительно : с приложением текста хартий, выданных Великому княжеству Литовскому и его областям / М. К. Любавский
2008 Unia Europejska Karta Praw Podstawowych Unii Europejskiej : sporządzono w Strasburgu dnia dwunastego grudnia roku dwa tysiące siódmego / Parlament Europejski, Rada i Komisja uroczyście ogłaszają Kartę Praw Podstawowych Unii Europejskiej w brzmieniu przedstawionym poniżej ; [Komisja Europejska, Dyrekcja Generalna]
1996 Council of Europe Migrant workers and their families : Protection within the European Social Charter / Comp. : Pascale Boucaud
1994 Council of Europe Freedom of association : Proceedings [of the] Seminar, Reykjavik, 26-28 Aug. 1993 / Secretariat Gen. of the Council of Europe in collab. with the Min. of Justice of Iceland
1999 Council of Europe European Social Charter : 14th report (I), 14th report (II) [of the] Governmental Committee
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