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2005 Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture. Commission nationale malienne pour l'UNESCO (Bamako) Le Mali et l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Education, la Science et la Culture (UNESCO) : 45 ans de coopération
2004 United Nations Repertory of practice of United Nations organs. — Suppl. 7. Vol. 6: Articles 92-105, 108-111 of the Charter : covering the period 1 January 1985 to 31 December 1988
2002 European Communities. European Commission The EU 2001 : Yearbook: Concise version / Press and Inform. Dep
2005 Организация Объединенных Наций Geneva Green Guide : the Geneva Environment Network's practical guide to Geneva-based global organizations working on the environment and sustainable development / Environment Programme
2005   Die Europäische Union : Entwicklung, Ziele, Institution im Schaubild
2008   ABC der Vereinten Nationen / [Redaktion Günter Unser]
2003 United Nations Environment Programme Geneva green guide : The Geneva environment network's practical guide to Geneva-based global organizations working on the environment and sustainable development / Swiss Agency for the Environment Forests and Lanscape
1936 Société des Nations La Societe des Nations en 1935 / Section d'inform. Secretariat de la Societe des Nations
2000 United Nations Basic facts about the United Nations / Dep. of Publ. Inform
2001 United Nations This is the United Nations
2002 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Institute for Statistics ЮНЕСКО: Цели, структуры, деятельность : Хроника, факты и цифры / Ред.-сост.: Вольфганг Ройтер, Клаус Хюфнер ; Пер.: Б.А.Борисов и др
2001 UNESCO. Intergovernmental Council of the Management of Social Transformations Programme. Session (5; 2001; Paris). Final report and recommendations [2001, Paris]
2003 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры UNESCO directory, 2003 = Annuaire UNESCO, 2003
1931 Société des Nations Liga Narodów : jej cele i organizacja
1950   The United Nations Association yearbook, 1949―1950 / edited by Leslie R. Aldous
1995 United Nations. World Bank Bibliography of publications, Technical Department, Africa region, July 1987 to April 1995 / edited by P. C. Mohan
1970 Камісія БССР па справах ЮНЕСКА Boletin / Comisióon de la RSS de Bielorrusia para la UNESCO
1994 Montoya Melgar, Alfredo Derecho social europeo / Alfredo Montoya Melgar, Jesús M. Galiana Moreno, Antonio V. Sempere Navarro
1925 Ассоциация международного права Report of the Thirty-Third Conference, held at the Riddarhuset and at the Riksdaghuset, Stockholm, September 8th to 13th, 1924
2018 "Белнафтахім", канцэрн Belarusian State Concern for Oil and Chemistry "Belneftekhim"
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