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Дата Автор Заглавие
2003   Encyclopedia of library and information science / editor: Miriam A. Drake. — Vol. 2: Des―Lib
2003   Encyclopedia of library and information science / editor: Miriam A. Drake. — Vol. 4: Pub―Zoo
2012 Нямецкая нацыянальная бібліятэка (Лейпцыг/Франкфурт-на-Майне/Берлін) Deutsche Nationalbibliothek: Lesen. Hören. Wissen : 100 Jahre, 1912—2012 / [Texte und Redaktion: Barbara Fischer, Stephan Jockel]
2009 Максимовић, Милена (нар. 1949) Библиотекарство пред новим изазовима / Милена Максимовић
2001 Bilinski, Lucjan Biblioteki publiczne konca XX wieku / Lucjan Bilinski ; Stow. Bibliotekarzy Pol. Centrum Edukacji Bibliotekarskiej, Inform. i Dokumentacyjnej
2001 Totterdell, Anne The library and information work primer / Anne Totterdell ; Contribution: Alan Hornsey, Lyn Pullen
2004   Libraries without walls : the distributed delivery of library and information services : proceedings of an international conference held on 19-23 September 2003, organized by the Centre for research in library and information management (CERLIM), Manchester metropolitan university / edited by Peter Brophy, Shelagh Fisher, Jenny Craven
1994   Librarianship in Japan / edited by International Relations Committee of Japan Library Association
2005 Зефельдт, Юрген (род. 1953) Двери в прошлое и будущее - библиотеки в Германии / Юрген Зефельдт, Людгер Сире ; издано по заказу Федеративного объединения германских библиотечных сообществ (BDB) ; предисловие и послесловие Георга Руппельта ; перевод Галины Исаевой
2002   American library directory, 2002-2003 / Publ.: Thomas H.Hogan. — Vol. 2: Libraries in Canada. Libraries networks, consortia & schools. Organization index. Personnel index
2000   Library networks in the new millenium : Top 10 trends / Ed.: Sara Laughlin
1998   Bibliotheks taschenbuch 1999 / [Bearb.]: P.Hauke
2003   Encyclopedia of library and information science / editor: Miriam A. Drake. — Vol. 3: Lib―Pub
2002   Libraries without walls : the delivery of library services to distant users : proceedings of an international conference held on 14-18 September 2001, organized by the Centre for research in library and information management (CERLIM), Manchester metropolitan university / edited by Peter Brophy, Shelagh Fisher, Zoe Clarke
1999   Collection management : preparing today's bibliographers for tomorrow's libraries / edited by Karen Rupp-Serrano
2013   Knihovny současnosti, 2013 : sborník z 21. konference, konané ve dnech 10. až 12. září 2013 v areálu Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci / [sestavily Lenka Juračková, Jiří Mika] ; Sdružení knihoven ČR ; Ústřední knihovnická rada ČR
2005   Die Deutsche Bibliothek : Leipzig, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin ; [text and editing: Kathrin Ansorge [et al.]
2003   Encyclopedia of library and information science / editor: Miriam A. Drake. — Vol. 1: Abs―Dec
2003   Models of cooperation in US, Latin American and Caribbean libraries : the 1st IFLA/SEFLIN International Summit on Library Cooperation in the Americas / edited by Bruce Edward Massis
2014   Libraries and librarianship in Taiwan
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