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1994 Панова, Галина Сергеевна (доктор экономических наук) Банковское обслуживание частных лиц
1993 Council of Europe Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to automatic processing of personal data, 28.I.1981, Strasbourg = Convention pour la protection des personnes a l'egard du traitement automatise des donnees a caractere personnel, 28.I.1981, Strasbourg
1998 Council of Europe The protection of personal data collected and processed for statistical purposes : Recommendation No. R (97)18 adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 30 Sept. 1997 and explanatory memorandum
2001 Хэнсон, Уорд Internet-маркетинг : Учеб. пособие для вузов / У.Хэнсон ; Пер. с англ. под ред. Ю.А.Цыпкина
1988 Council of Europe Secrecy and openness: individuals, enterprises and public administrations : Proc. of the 17th Colloquy on European Law, 21-23 Oct. 1987, Zaragoza
2003 Altmann, Elisabeth Internationale Katastrophenhilfe und die Motive der öffentlichen Hand in Österreich / Elisabeth Altmann
1979 Council of Europe Explanatory report concerning the European Convention on the control of the acquisition and possession of firearms by individuals
2005 Şeni, Nora Les inventeurs de la philanthropie juive / Nora Şeni
1995 Council of Europe Protection of personal data used for the purposes of direct marketing : Recommendation No. R (85) 20 adopted by the Comm. of Min. of the Council of Europe on 25 Oct. 1985 and explanatory memorandum
1999 Казимагомедов, Абдулла Аседуллаевич (доктор экономических наук) Банковское обслуживание населения: зарубежный опыт
1997 Council of Europe The protection of medical data : Recommendation No. R (97) 5 adopted by the Comm. of Min. the Council of Europe on 13 Febr. 1997 and explanatory memorandum
1974 Council of Europe Protection of the privacy of individuals vis-a-vis electronic data banks in the private sector : Resolution (73) 22 adopted by the Comm. of Min. of the Council of Europe on 26 Sept. 1973 and explanatory rep
1975 Council of Europe Protection of the privacy of individuals vis-a-vis electronic data banks in the public sector : Resolution (74) 29 adopted by the Comm. of Min. of the Council of Europe on 20 Sept. 1974 and explanatory rep
2015   Estimation and analysis of financial inclusion among individuals and SMEs in the Republic of Belarus : national surveys results : joint project of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus and Alliance for Financial Inclusion "Developing regional cooperation in promoting access to finance in Eastern Europe and CIS" / [ответственный за выпуск Ю. В. Малафей]
1993 Council of Europe Communication to third parties of personal data held by public bodies : Recommendation No. R (91) 10 and explanatory memorandum
1981 Council of Europe Explanatory report on the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data
1999 Успенский, Игорь В Интернет как инструмент маркетинга / Игорь Успенский
1995 Council of Europe Regulating the use of personal data in the police sector : Recommendation No. R (87) 15 adopted by the Comm. of Min. of the Council of Europe on 17 Sept. 1987 and explanatory memorandum
2013 Куровська, Тетяна Володимирівна Забезпечення процесуальної безпеки приватних осіб у кримінальному судочинстві України : автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата юридичних наук : спеціальність 12.00.09 Кримінальний процес та криміналістика, судова експертиза, оперативно-розшукова діяльність / Куровська Тетяна Володимирівна ; Державна податкова служба України, Національний університет державної податкової служби України
1870 Иверсен, Юлий Богданович (нумизмат ; 1823—1900) Beitrag zur russischen Medaillenkunde : 160 bisher unedirte, Privat-Personen ertheilte Medaillen / beschrieben von J. Iversen
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