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Дата Автор Заглавие
1978 Hitchcock, Bert Richard Malcolm Johnston / Bert Hitchcock
1902 Montgomery, David Henry (1837―1928) The beginner's American history / D. H. Montgomery
2008 Withana, Radhika Power, politics, law : international law and state behaviour during international crises / Radhika Withana
2008 Griffin, Susan (нар. 1943) Wrestling with the angel of democracy : on being an American citizen / Susan Griffin
2012 Khan-Panni, Phillip The "Financial Times" essential guide to making business presentations : how to deliver a winning message / Phillip Khan-Panni
1995 Gatewood, Robert D. Management : comprehension, analysis, and application / Robert D. Gatewood, Robert R. Taylor, O. C. Ferrell
1996 Slavin, Stephen L. Economics / Stephen L. Slavin
1996 Marshall, David H. Accounting : what the numbers mean / David H. Marshall, Wayne W. McManus
1995 Donnelly, James H. Fundamentals of management / James H. Donnelly, James L. Gibson, John M. Ivancevich
2012 Drucker, Johanna Graphic design history : a critical guide / Johanna Drucker, Emily McVarish
1995 Peter, J.Paul Marketing management : knowledge and skills : [text, analysis, cases, plans] / J. Paul Peter, James H. Donnelly
2012   The Raoul Wallenberg Institute compilation of human rights instruments / edited by Göran Melander, Gudmundur Alfredsson, Leif Holmström
2013   Saur allgemeines Künstlerlexikon : die bildenden Künstler aller Zeiten und Völker / [begründet und mitherausgegeben von Günter Meißner]. — Bd. 77: Izaguirre―Jerace
1936 Temperley, Harold The Crimea / Harold Temperley
1933 Byron, George Gordon (1788—1824) The complete poetical works / Byron
1973   Building materials : essential data from the Building Research Establishment
1971   Scandinavian journal of educational research = Pedagogisk forskning : a quarterly journal, publishing original papers from fields of study within the area of education
1992   Review of Central and East European law : RCEEL
1957   Pedagogisk forskning = Scandinavian journal of educational research : a quarterly journal, publishing original papers from fields of study within the area of education
1949   Plastics industry : the production magazine of the plastics industry
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