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Дата Автор Заглавие
2015   Electoral code [of the] Republic of Belarus, 2015 : adopted by the Chamber of Representatives on January 24, 2000; approved by the Council of the Republic on January 31, 2000; changes from 2013; changes from 2015 : not an official OSCE/ODIHR translation
2011-2016   Electoral code of the Republic of Belarus : adopted by the House of Representatives: on January 24, 2000; approved by the Council of the Republic: on January 31, 2000; new editions of the law: The Law № 406-Z of July 4, 2000; The Law № 183-Z of January 4, 2003; The Law № 166-Z of October 6, 2006; The Law № 99-Z of January 4, 2000; The Law № 309-Z of November 8, 2011 : not an official OSCE/ODIHR document; unofficial translation; for internal use only
2000 Рэспубліка Беларусь. Законы Выбарчы кодэкс Рэспублікі Беларусь
2011-2015   Relevant extractions of the Electoral Code of the Republic of Belarus
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