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1999 United Nations. World Bank Tanzania : social sector review
2011 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2011 : supplements. — Suppl. 5: Commission on Population and Development : report on the forty-fourth session (16 April 2010 and 11―15 April 2011)
1995 United Nations. World Bank Contraceptive choice, fertility, and public policy in Zimbabwe / Duncan Thomas, John Maluccio
1995 United Nations. World Bank Key indicators for family planning projects / Rodolfo A. Bulatao
1989 Hałaczek, Bernard Mieć dziecko? : antropologiczna problematyka postaw prokreacyjnych / Bernard Hałaczek
1995 United Nations. World Bank Contraceptive use in Ghana : the role of service availability, quality, and price / Raylynn Oliver
1996 United Nations. World Bank The role of family planning and targeted credit programs in demographic change in Bangladesh / Shahidur R. Khandker, M. Abdul Latif
1997 United Nations. World Bank Evaluating health projects : lessons from the literature / Susan Stout [et al.]
1994 United Nations. World Bank The determinants of reproductive change in Bangladesh : success in a challenging environment / John Cleland [et al.]
2007 United Nations. World Bank The global family planning revolution: three decades of population policies and programs / editors: Warren C. Robinson, John A. Ross
2009 Zhang Xueying Born in the '80s : China's first 'One-child' generation / Zhang Xueying
1995 United Nations. World Bank Population in Asia / Warren C. Sanderson, Jee-Peng Tan
1996 United Nations. World Bank Supplement to India's family welfare program : moving to a reproductive and child health approach / editors: Anthony R. Measham, Richard A. Heaver
1995 Scribner, Susan (нар. 1962) Policies affecting fertility and contraceptive use : an assessment of twelve Sub-Saharan countries / Susan Scribner
2001 United Nations. World Bank Reproductive health in the Middle East and North Africa : well-being for all / Atsuko Aoyama
2009 United Nations. World Bank Clearing the global health fog : a systematic review of the evidence on integration of health systems and targeted interventions / Rifat Atun [et al.]
1995 Beegle, Kathleen (нар. 1969) The quality and availability of family planning services and contraceptive use in Tanzania / Kathleen Beegle
1994 Feyisetan, Bamikale James Contraceptive use and the quality, price, and availability of family planning in Nigeria / Bamikale J. Feyisetan, Martha Ainsworth
1996 United Nations. World Bank India's family welfare program : moving to a reproductive and child health approach / Anthony R. Measham, Richard A. Heaver
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