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1992 Батчаев, Магомет Хаджи-Кишиевич Сельскохозяйственный кредит в независимой Индии
1820 Dunin, Adam (граф) O ziemskim systemacie kredytowym, korzyściah i potrzebie tego Instytutu dla Królewstwa Polskiego wraz z wykładem ustaw ziemskiego Towarzystwa Kredytowego Szląskiego / przez A. Dunina. — Cz. 2
2007   Rethinking agricultural reform in Ukraine / Zvi Lerman [et al.] ; [Leibniz-Institut für Agrarentwicklung in Mittel- und Osteuropa]
1997 United Nations. World Bank Rural finance : issues, design, and best practices / Jacob Yaron, McDonald P. Benjamin, Gerda L. Piprek
1996 United Nations. World Bank Targeted credit programs and rural poverty in Bangladesh / Shahidur R. Khandker, Osman H. Chowdhury
2001 United Nations. World Bank Farm debt in the CIS : a multi-country study of the major causes and proposed solutions / Csaba Csaki, Zvi Lerman, Sergey Sotnikov
1995 United Nations. World Bank Farm restructuring and land tenure in reforming socialist economies : a comparative analysis of Eastern and Central Europe / Euroconsult ; Centre for World Food Studies
1994 United Nations. World Bank Outreach and sustainability of six rural finance institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa / Marc Gurgand, Glenn Pederson, Jacob Yaron
2001 United Nations. World Bank Financial markets, credit constraints, and investment in rural Romania / Rodrigo A. Chaves [et al.]
1995 United Nations. World Bank Grameen Bank : performance and sustainability / Shahidur R. Khandker, Bagui Khalily, Zahed Khan
1996 United Nations. World Bank Household and intrahousehold impact of the Grameen Bank and similar targeted credit programs in Bangladesh / Mark M. Pitt, Shahidur R. Khandker
2007 Dufhues, Thomas Accessing rural finance : the rural financial market in Northern Vietnam / by Thomas Dufhues ; Leibniz-Institut für Agrarenwicklung in Mittel- und Osteuropa
1925 Белорусское общество сельскохозяйственного кредита Отчет Белорусского общества сельскохозяйственного кредита за первый операционный год : (20 октября 1923 г. ― 30-го сентября 1924 г.) / Белорусское общество сельскохозяйственного кредита "Белсельбанк"
1995 United Nations. World Bank Sustainability of a government targeted credit program : evidence from Bangladesh / Shahidur R. Khandker, Zahed Khan, Baqui Khalily
2008 United Nations. World Bank Increasing access to rural finance in Bangladesh : the forgotten "missing middle" / [a study led by Aurora Ferrari]
2008 United Nations. World Bank Land in transition : reform and poverty in rural Vietnam / Martin Ravallion, Dominique van de Walle
2002 United Nations. World Bank The microfinance revolution / Marguerite S. Robinson ; Open Society Institute. — Vol. 2: Lessons from Indonesia
2004 Petrick, Martin Credit rationing of Polish farm households : a theoretical and empirical analysis / Martin Petrick
1923 Гомельское общество сельскохозяйственного кредита Устав Гомельского общества сельскохозяйственного кредита
1929 Ярашчук, Еўдакім Лявонцьевіч (аграрная эканоміка ; аграномія ; 1898—1970) Эфектыўнасць сельскагаспадарчага крэдыту
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