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Дата Автор Заглавие
2018 McDougall, Allan K. Before and after the state : politics, poetics, and people(s) in the Pacific Northwest / Allan K. McDougall, Lisa Philips, and Daniel L. Boxberger
2013 Jacobsen, Johann Adrian (этнограф ; 1853—1947) Capitain Jacobsen's Reise an der Nordwestküste Amerikas 1881—1883 : beigebunden ist: "Unter den Alaska Eskimos" / Johann Adrian Jacobsen ; mit einer Einleitung herausgegeben von Viola König
2008 Diamond, Beverley (нар. 1948) Native American music in eastern North America : experiencing music, expressing culture / Beverley Diamond
2000 Петров, Александр Юрьевич Образование российско-американской компании = The formation of the Russian-American company / А.Ю.Петров ; Отв. ред. Н.Н.Болховитинов ; [Рос. акад. наук, Ин-т всеобщ. истории]
2002   Encyclopedia of associations. Regional, state, and local organizations : A guide to over 116,000 United States nonprofit membership organizations with regional, state, or local scope and concerned with all subjects and areas of activity / Project ed.: Alan Hedblad. — Vol. 4: South Central and Great Plains States : includes Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Texas
1988   Pathways to the Old Northwest : An observance of the bicentennial of the Northwest Ordinance: Proc. of a conf., 10-11 July 1987, Franklin College of Indiana / The Franklin College ; The Indiana Hist. Society
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