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2014 Бейзаи, Захра Махмуд (биофизика) Role of nitrate reductase in development of salt tolerance in barley plants induced with nitrate and 5-aminolevulinic acid : dissertation abstract for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biology : speciality 03.01.02 Biophysics / Beyzaei Zahra Mahmood ; supervisor: Averina Natalia Georgivna ; State Scientific Organization "Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering", National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
2013 Інстытут біяфізікі і клетачнай інжынерыі (Мінск) Research and development catalogue
2014 Бейзаи, Захра Махмуд (биофизика) Role of nitrate reductase in development of salt tolerance in barley seedlings induced by nitrate and 5-aminolevulinic acid : dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biology : speciality 03.01.02 Biophysics / Beyzaei Zahra Mahmood ; scientific supervisor: Averina N. G. ; State Scientific Organization "Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering", National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
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