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2005 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization "Scaling up" good practices in girls' education
2008 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development The least developed countries report, 2008 : [growth, poverty and the terms of development partnership] / prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat
2007 United Nations. World Bank Changing the face of the waters : the promise and challenge of sustainable aquaculture
2006 ООН. Конференция организаций по торговле и развитию. Наименее развитые страны: доклад, 2006 год : обзор, подготовленный Генеральным секретарём ЮНКТАД / ООН. Конференция организаций по торговле и развитию
2006 Организация Объединенных Наций. Конференция по торговле и развитию Доклад о торговле и развитии, 2006 год : обзор / ООН. Конференция Организации Объединенных Наций по торговле и развитию
2008 Loevinsohn, Benjamin Performance-based contracting for health services in developing countries : a toolkit / Benjamin Loevinsohn
2006 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Rapport sur l'investissement dans le monde, 2006 : l'IED en provenance des pays en développement ou en transition: incidences sur le développement : vue d'ensemble
2007 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Elimination of trims : the experience of selected developing countries
1997 United Nations. World Bank Foreign direct investment / Foreign Investment Advisory Service
2007 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2007 : supplements. — Suppl. 33: Comité des politiques de développement : rapport sur les travaux de la neuvième session (19―23 mars 2007)
1999 United Nations. World Bank Nongovernmental organizations in World Bank ― supported projects : a review / Christopher Gibbs, Claudia Fumo, Thomas Kuby
2006 United Nations. World Bank Assessing World Bank support for trade, 1987―2004 : an IEG evaluation / World Bank, Independent Evaluation Group
1995 United Nations. World Bank The land market assessment : a new tool for urban management / David E. Dowall ; United Nations Development Programme ; United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)
2006 United Nations. World Bank Trade, Doha, and development : a window into the issues / editor: Richard Newfarmer
2007 United Nations. World Bank A decade of action in transport : an evaluation of World Bank assistance to the transport sector, 1995―2005 / World Bank, Independent Evaluation Group
2002 United Nations. World Bank Constructing knowledge societies : new challenges for tertiary education
1999 United Nations. World Bank Cultivating peace : conflict and collaboration in natural resource management / edited by Daniel Buckles ; International Development Research Centre
2006 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Intergovernmental Council of the International Programme for the Development of Communication : twenty-fifth session, Paris, 21―23 March 2006 : final report = Conseil intergouvernemental du Programme international pour le développement de la communication : vingt-cinquième session, Paris, 21―23 mars 2006 : rapport final
2008 United Nations. World Bank The welfare impact of rural electrification : a reassessment of the costs and benefits : an IEG impact evaluation
2008 United Nations. International Monetary Fund IMF support and crisis prevention / Atish R. Ghosh [et al.]
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