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Дата Автор Заглавие
2009   Літва: культура і гісторыя : адукацыйная выстава, прысвечаная тысячагадоваму юбілею Літвы : 1009―2009 / [тэксты: M. Šapoka ; фота: V. Abramauskas і інш]
2007 Instytut Pamięci Narodowej (Варшава) Katalog wystaw [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / [redakcja: Anna Piekarska, Małgorzata Strasz]
1927   Thaddeus Kosciuszko ― revered Polish and American hero : his patriotism, vision, and zeal revealed in a collection of autograph letters by him : as well as autograph letters about him by prominent leaders of the American Revolution and others also oil paintings, medals, engravings, books broadsides and other relics : memorial exhibition from Sunday, May fifteenth to June eleventh / being the collection formed by Alexander Kahanowicz
2016   Praxishandbuch Ausstellungen in Bibliotheken / herausgegeben von Petra Hauke ; mit einem Geleitwort von Barbara Lison
1869 Всемирная выставка (1867 ; Париж) Bericht über die Welt-Ausstellung zu Paris im Jahre 1867 / herausgegeben durch das K. K. Österreichische Central-Comité. — Bd. 1: Einleitung. Die Kunstwerke und die Histoire du Travail. Instrumente für Kunst und Wissenschaft
2010 World Exposition (2010 ; Shanghai) The wonders of EXPO 2010, Shanghai, China [Выяўленчы матэрыял]
1970 Osęka, Andrzej (нар. 1932) Styl "еxpo" [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / Andrzej Osęka, Anna Piotrowska
2014 Нацыянальны музей Карэі (Сеул) Exhibition report, 2011—2012 [Выяўленчы матэрыял]
2014 Bedford, Leslie The art of museum exhibitions : how story and imagination create aesthetic experiences / Leslie Bedford
2016 Schmidt, Alexander (фатограф) 2018 [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : Dauerausstellung des Deutschen Musikarchivs, Leipzig : [паштоўка] / foto: PUNCTUM / Alexander Schmidt ; Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
2018   Lietuva, Tėvyne mano… [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : Adomas Mickevičius ir jo poema "Ponas Tadas" = Litwo, Ojczyzno moja… : Adam Mickiewicz i jego poemat "Pan Tadeusz" = Lithuania, my Homeland… : Adam Mickiewicz and his poem "Pan Tadeusz" : tarptautinės parodos katalogas, 2018 m. lapkričio 27 d. ― 2019 m. vasario 24 d., Nacionalinis muziejus Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės valdovų rūmai / sudarytojai: Marijus Uzorka [et al.]
2023   Expositions et territoires: anticiper la transition post-Expo = Expos and territories: anticipating the post-Expo transition
2006   Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Islamic Exhibition Gallery : revitalising Islamic Civilisation = [Balai Pameran Islam Haji Hassanal Bolkiah: penjana Tamadun Islam]
2006 Lachowski, Marcin— (1975) Awangarda wobec instytucji : o sposobach prezentacji sztuki w PRL-u / Marcin Lachowski
2009 World Exposition (2010 ; Shanghai) China and World Expo : Expo 2010, Shanghai, China / compiled by Dou Ziwen
2006   Designer profile, 2006/2007 [Выяўленчы матэрыял] = Designer profile, 2006/2007: Germany, Austria, Switzerland/designers present themselves : Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz/Gestalter stellen sich vor / Projektleitung: Katja Werner. — [Vol. 1]: Industrial + Exhibition Design
2010   Hitler und die Deutschen : Volksgemeinschaft und Verbrechen : [Katalog der Ausstellung, 15. Oktober 2010 bis 6. Februar 2011, Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin] / herausgegeben von Hans-Ulrich Thamer und Simone Erpel
1984-1990 Galandа, Mikuláš (мастак ; 1895 ― 1938) Galanda [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : Stála expozícia zo života a tvorby Mikuláša Galandu Turčianske Teplice : [камплект паштовак / мастак] M. Galanda ; Dom Mikuláša Galandu Turčianske Teplice
2010 Сусветная выстаўка (2010 ; Шанхай) Bring a book to 2010 Shanghai Expo / compiled by Qicheng Wang ; translated by Yu Ping
2006   The 2005 World Exposition, Aichi, Japan : official report
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