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Дата Автор Заглавие
2001 Council of Europe. Parliamentary Assembly. Sess. 2001, ordinary (22-26 January;2001;Strasbourg). Pt. 1 Texts adopted at the First of the 2001 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly : Recommendations 1489 to 1502. Resolutions 1236 to 1242. Orders Nos. 568 and 569. References to committees Nos. 2562 to 2575
1999 Council of Europe Employment, vocational guidance and training in the European Social Charter : Study drawn up on the basis of the case law of the Europ. Comm. of Social Rights
2001 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры European perspectives on cultural policy : Cultural policy reviews. Requirements for a sustainable cultural policy / Christopher Gordon, Simon Mundy
1974 Council of Europe. Parliamentary Assembly Texts adopted by the Assembly / Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly = Textes adoptés par l'Assemblée / Conseil de l'Europe, Assemblée parlementaire
2005 Чумаков, Андрей Владиславович Европейские стандарты в области прав человека в российском уголовном процессе : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата юридических наук : 12.00.09 / Чумаков Андрей Владиславович ; [Санкт-Петербургский юридический институт Генеральной прокуратуры Российской Федерации]
1993 Council of Europe European Social Charter : Conclusions XII-2, 1989-90 / Comm. of Independent Experts
2000 Council of Europe Social protection in the European Social Charter : Study compiled on the basis of the case law of the European Committee of Social Rights
2000 Council of Europe European Social Charter : Addendum to Conclusions XV-1 (Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Netherlands Antilles, Poland) / Europ. Comm. of Social Rights
2000 Council of Europe European Social Charter : 7th report on certain provisions of the Charter which not been accepted
2000 Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Annual report 2000 on interaction between organizations and institutions in the OSCE area : 1 Nov. 1999 - 31 Oct. 2000 / The Secretary General
1949 Council of Europe. Consultative Assembly Texts adopted by the Assembly / Council of Europe, Consultative Assembly = Textes adoptés par l'Assemblée / Conseil de l'Europe, Assemblée consultative
2000 Council of Europe Equality between women and men in the European Social Charter : Study compiled on the basis of the case law of the European Committee of of Social Rights
1999 Council of Europe Social protection in the European Social Charter : Study comp. on the basis of the case law of the Europ. Comm. of Social Rights
2000 Славкина, Наталия Алексеевна (кандидат юридических наук ; род. 1964) Механизмы судебной защиты прав человека: опыт Совета Европы и Европейского Союза : Автореф. дис. на соиск. учен. степ. канд. юрид. наук : 12.00.10 / Славкина Наталия Алексеевна ; Моск. гос. ин-т междунар. отношений (ун-т) МИД России
2000 Council of Europe Vol. 1
1999 Council of Europe Conditions of employment in the European Social Charter : Study comp. on the basis of the case law of the Europ. Comm. of Social Rights
2000 Council of Europe Conditions of employment in the European Social Charter : Study compiled on the basis of the case law of the European Committee of Social Rights
2000 Council of Europe Vol. 2
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