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Дата Автор Заглавие
1993   Сomputer-aided cartographical system for map digitazing / [Auth.]:S.Ablameyko,B.Beregov,A.Kryuchkov
1995 Абламейка, Сяргей Уладзіміравіч (доктар тэхнічных навук ; нар. 1956) Image processing and recognition laboratory : Activity in 1993-1995:Instruction-methodical materials / Belarus.Acad.of Sciences.Inst.of Engineering Cybernetics
2005   Advanced information and telemedicine technologies for health AITTH' 2005 : proc. of the Intern. сonf., Nov. 8 -10, 2005, Minsk, Belarus : [in 2 vol.] / The Nat. Acad. of Sciences of Belarus, the United Inst. of Inform. Problems of the Nat. Acad. of Sciences of Belarus, the Intern. Science a. Technology Center ; sci ed.: Sergey Ablameyko, Yevgenij Beloenko, Uladzimir Anishchanka
1997 Абламейка, Сяргей Уладзіміравіч (доктар тэхнічных навук ; нар. 1956) Image processing and recognition laboratory : Activity in 1995-1997 / Nat. Acad. of Sciences of Belarus. Inst. of Eng. Cybernetics
1997 "Распознавание образов и обработка информации", международная конференция (4 ; 1997 ; Минск) Pattern recognition and information processing (PRIP '97) : proceedings of the Fourth International Conference, 20―22 May 1997, Minsk, Republic of Belarus / [edited by V. Krasnoproshin [et al.] ; Belarusian State University, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences ; Technical University of Szczecin, Institute of Computer Science and Information Systems ; Belarusian Association for Image Analysis and Recognition
2005   International conference "Advanced information and telemedicine technologies for health", AITTH'2005, November 8-10 : proceedings / National academy of sciences of Belarus ; United institute of informatics problems ; International science and technology center ; [scientific editors: Sergey Ablameyko [et al.]
2007   Pattern recognition and information processing (PRIP'2007) : proceedings of the ninth international conference, 22-24 may 2007, Minsk, Belarus / United institute of informatics problems of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus ; [editors: Alexander Tuzikov, Vassili Kovalev, Sergey Ablameyko]
1995 Абламейка, Сяргей Уладзіміравіч (доктар тэхнічных навук ; нар. 1956) Image processing and recognition laboratory : Activity in 1993-1995: Instruction-methodical materials / Belarus. Acad. of Sciences. Inst. of Eng. Cybernetics
2011 "Распознавание образов и обработка информации", международная конференция (11 ; 2011 ; Минск) Pattern recognition and information processing (PRIP'2011) : proceedings of the 11th International Conference (18―20 May 2011, Minsk, Republic of Belarus) / [editorial board: Rauf Sadykhov [et al.] ; Educational Institution "Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics"
2016   Энциклопедия для школьников и студентов : в 12 т. — Т. 5: Гісторыя Беларусі / [рэдкалегія: У. У. Андрыевіч (галоўны рэдактар) і інш.]
2001   Image processing and recognition laboratory : Activity in 1991-2001 / Aut.-comp.: S.V.Ablameyko ; Nat. Acad. of Sciences of Belarus. Inst. of Eng. Cybernetics
2005 "Advanced information and telemedicine technologies for health", international conference (2005; Minsk). International conference "Advanced information and telemedicine technologies for health", AITTH'2005, November 8-10 : proceedings / National academy of sciences of Belarus ; United institute of informatics problems ; International science and technology center ; [scientific editors: Sergey Ablameyko [et al.]. — Vol. 2
2005   PRIP'2005 : pattern recognition and information processing : proceedings [of the] 8th International conference, 18-20 May 2005, Minsk, Belarus / ed.: Rauf Sadykov, Serge Ablameiko, Alexander Doudkin, Leonid Podenok
2020 Дао Ван Туиет (кандидат технических наук) Algorithms and technology for building integrated medical information systems : dissertation for the scientific degree of PhD in technical sciences : specialіty 05.13.17 ― Theoretical foundations of computer science / Dao Van Tuyet ; scientific supervisor: Ablameyko Sergey V. ; Belarusian State University
2005 The International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Processing PRIP (8; 2005; Minsk). Pattern recognition and image processing PRIP'2005 : proceedings of the 8th International Conference, 18―20 May 2005, Minsk, Belarus / [editors: Rauf Sadykhov [et al.] ; Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
2007   Pattern recognition and information processing (PRIP'2007) : proc. of the 9th Intern. conf., 22-24 May 2007, Minsk, Belarus / ed. by Alexander Tuzikov, Vassili Kovalev, Sergey Ablameyko
2009   Памяць і слава : Беларускі дзяржаўны універсітэт, 1945―1961 / [складальнікі: С. М. Ходзін, М. Ф. Шумейка, А. А. Яноўскі ; рэдкалегія: С. У. Абламейка (адказны рэдактар) і інш.]
2011   Памяць і слава : першы рэктар Беларускага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта ― Уладзімір Іванавіч Пічэта / [складальнікі: С. М. Ходзін, М. Ф. Шумейка, А. А. Яноўскі ; рэдкалегія: С. У. Абламейка (адказны рэдактар і інш.)]
1997   Image processing and recognition laboratory : Activity in 1995-1997 / Nat.Acad.of Siences of Belarus.Inst.of Eng.Cybernetics ; [Auth.-comp.]:S.V.Ablameyko
2002 Аб'яднаны інстытут праблем інфарматыкі (Мінск) United Institute of Informatics Problems / [под редакцией С. В. Абламейко] ; National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
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