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Дата Автор Заглавие
2002 Міжнародная фінансавая карпарацыя Small and medium business in Belarus : collected articles, 2000—2002 / authors: Olga Godunova [et al.] ; translator: Michail Sokolov ; United States Agency for International Development
1994   Международные стандарты бухгалтерского учета, 1994 / Комитет по международным стандартам бухгалтерского учета ; Агентство по международному развитию США
2007 United Nations. World Bank Celebrating reform, 2007 : doing business case studies / International Finance Corporation ; United States Agency for International Development
2010 ЗША. Агенцтва па міжнароднаму развіццю The 2009 NGO sustainbility index for Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia / editorial committee: Amber Brooks [et al.]
1993 United Nations. World Bank Small-scale privatization in Belarus : the Brest model : annexes / prepared by the International Finance Corporation ; financed by the U. S. Agency for International Development
2009 United Nations. World Bank Designing and implementing health care provider payment systems : how-to manuals / edited by John C. Langenbrunner, Cheryl Cashin, Sheila O'Dougherty ; United States Agency for International Development
2016 Addleton, Jonathan S. (нар. 1957) The dust of Kandahar : a diplomat among warriors in Afghanistan / Jonathan S. Addleton
1995 "Agricultural Reforms in Central and East Europe", international symposium (1994 ; Мінск) Proceedings of the International Symposium "Agricultural Reforms in Central and East Europe", October 25―28, 1994 / editors: R. Selby, L. Zaiko ; United States Agency for International Development, Eurasia Foundation ; American Agricultural Assistance Organization ; National Centre for Strategic Initiatives "East ― West"
2001   Новы рэсурс : бюлетэнь "Альянса Партнёрства Каўнтэрпарт" (САР), праграмы, якая ажыццяўляецца ў Беларусi i фiнансуецца Агенцтвам ЗША па мiжнароднаму развiццю (USAID)
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