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1996 Municipal library of Alexandria (Maktabat al Balada). Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Municipal library of Alexandria (Maktabat al Balada) / The General organization of Aleksandria library ; prepared by: Youssef Zeidan ; introduction by Mohsen M. Zahran. — Pt. 1: Sciences : Physics - Mathematics - Astronomy - Medicine
2001 Municipal library of Alexandria (Maktabat al Balada). Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Municipal library of Alexandria (Maktabat al Balada) / The General organization of Aleksandria library ; prepared by: Youssef Zeidan ; introduction by Mohsen M. Zahran. — Pt. 5: Hadith
1997 Abu'l'Abbas almorsi library (Alexandria). Catalogue of manuscripts in Abu'l'Abbas almorsi library / prepared by: Youssef Ziedan ; introduction by: Mohsen Zahran ; The General organization of Alexandria library. — Pt. 1
1999 Municipal library of Alexandria (Maktabat al Balada). Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Municipal library of Alexandria (Maktabat al Balada) / The General organization of Aleksandria library ; prepared by: Youssef Zeidan ; introduction by Mohsen M. Zahran. — Pt. 3: History and related subjects
1998 Municipal library of Alexandria (Maktabat al Balada). Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Municipal library of Alexandria (Maktabat al Balada) / The General organization of Aleksandria library ; prepared by: Youssef Zeidan ; introduction by Mohsen M. Zahran. — Pt. 2: Sufism and related subjects
1996 Эллингтон, Дюк The private collection [Звукозапись]. Vol. 4, Studio sessions. New York 1963 / Исполн.: D.Ellington, piano
1982 Skowronek, Stefan Mennictwo aleksandryjskie w okresie cesarstwa rzymskiego / Stefan Skowronek
2000 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры Underwater archaeology and coastal management : Focus on Alexandria / Ed.: M.H.Mostafa, N.Grimal, D.Nakashima
2007 United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia Good practices in information and communications technology (ICT) applications in seaports in ESCWA member countries
2001 Дзядова, Алена Сяргееўна (кандыдат філалагічных навук ; нар. 1969) Лексіка "Александрыі" (на матэрыяле старабеларускага перакладу пачатку XVIІст.) : Дыс....канд.філал.навук ; Віцеб.дзярж.ун-т імя П.М.Машэрава
1992 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Vie et destin de l'ancienne Bibliothèque d'Alexandrie / Mostafa El-Abbadi
2018   The photographic memory of Alexandria [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / foreword: Mostafa El Feki ; preface: Hossam Abd al-Baset, Mohamed al-Sayed Hamdy
2003 Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Collection de l'Institut Pasteur de Lyon : troisieme ceremonie en l'honneur des donateurs de la Bibliotheca Alexandrina, 12 juillet 2003 / Institut Pasteur de Lyon
2003 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры Towards integrated management of Alexandria's coastal heritage / Selim Morcos, Nils Tongring, Youssef Halim et al. ; Supreme Council of Antiquities (Egypt) ; Univ. of Alexandria ; Governorate of Alexandria and UNESCO
1913-1919   Handbuch der Kunstwissenschaft : [vom ausgehenden Mittelalter bis zum Ende der Renaissance] / herausgegeben von Fritz Burger ; unter Mitwirkung von Ludwig Curtius [et al.]. — Lfg. 24: Altchristliche und byzantinische Kunst / O. Wulff
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