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Дата Автор Заглавие
1954 Хуа, Шань Пісьмо з пеўневымі пёрамі : З апавяданняў пра вайну кіт. народа супраць яп. захопнікаў / Хуа Шань
2003 Smedley, Agnes (1892—1950) China fights back : an American woman with the Eighth Route Army / Agnes Smedley
2008   An overview of the Nanjing debate : reprints of articles from "Japan Echo", 1998 to 2007 with new commentaries / [editor-in-chief: Shiraishi Takashi]
2005   Zhongguo minzhong kangzhan huashi
2015   Victory of the allies : a chronicle of the anti-Japanese war in pictures. — [Vol.] 5
2003 Basu, B. K. Call of yanan : story of the Indian medical mission to China, 1938-43 / B. K. Basu ; edited by Manjeet H Singh ; sketches by David Olivant
1939 Fajans, Roman W Chinach znowu wojna... / Roman Fajans
2008 Maomao (нар. 1950) My father Deng Xiaoping — the war years / [Deng Rong]
2014 Xu Zhigeng Lest we forget : 1937 Nanjing massacre / Xu Zhigeng
2016   The main battlefield of the East : China in World War II
2003 Smedley, Agnes (1892—1950) The great road : the life and times of Chu Teh / Agnes Smedley
2004 Hogg, George Aylwin (1914―1945) I see a new China / George Hogg
2003 Lindsay, Michael The unknown war : North China, 1937―1945 / Michael Lindsay
2005 Li Zhanping Fenghuo suiyue : Taiwan ren de zhan shi jingyan / Li Zhanping
2005   Place of new life of Japanese war criminals [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / compiled by China Fushu War Criminals Management Center
2005   An illustrated history of the Nanjing Massacre [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / compiled by the Memorial Hall of the Victims in the Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders
2015   Victory of the allies : a chronicle of the anti-Japanese war in pictures. — [Vol.] 2
2013   War of resistance against aggression historical site of Chong Qing city. The chapters of Yuzhong area [Відэазапіс]
2004 Newnham, Tom Dr. Bethune's Angel : the life of Kathleen Hall / by Tom Newnham
1995   Zhongguo kangri zhanzhengshi, 1931—1945
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