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2001 Steinberg, Stephen Turning back : The retreat from racial justice in American thought and policy / Stephen Steinberg
2008 Calarco, Tom (нар. 1947) People of the Underground Railroad : a biographical dictionary / Tom Calarco
2008 Adegbile, Isaiah O. The African and African American history : the political-socio-economic context in historical perspective : an introduction / Isaiah O. Adegbile
2009 Darby, Derrick (нар. 1967) Rights, race, and recognition / Derrick Darby
2003 Fine, Elizabeth C. Soulstepping : African American step shows / Elizabeth C. Fine
1981 Kamiński, Wojciech Open piano [Гуказапіс] / [іграе] Wojciech Kamiński
2013 Coleman, Arica L. That the blood stay pure : African Americans, native Americans, and the predicament of race and identity in Virginia / Arica L. Coleman
2005   Who's who among African Americans / edited by Katherine H. Nemeh ; introductory essay by John B. Smith
2016 Gavins, Raymond The Cambridge guide to African American history / Raymond Gavins
2015   These truly are the brave : an anthology of African American writings on war and citizenship / edited by A. Yęmisi Jimoh and Françoise N. Hamlin
2016   Rethinking American emancipation : legacies of slavery and the quest for Black freedom / edited by William A. Link, James J. Broomall
2007 Thompson, Julius E. Lynchings in Mississippi : a history, 1865-1965 / Julius E. Thompson
2009 Berry, Mary Frances And justice for all : the United States Commission on Civil Rights and the continuing struggle for freedom in America / Mary Frances Berry
2006   Czarny alfabet [Выяўленчы матэрыял] = Black alphabet : konTEKSTY współczesnej sztuki afroamerykańskiej : [katalog wystawy, 23.09—19.11. 2006] : conTexts of contemporary african american art : [catalogue of the exhibition, 23.09-19.11.2006] / [redakcja: Malgorzata Jurkiewicz] ; Zachęta Narodowa Galeria Sztuki
1932   Judicial cases concerning American slavery and the Negro / edited by Helen Tunnicliff Catterall ; with additions by James J. Hayden. — Vol. 3: Cases from the courts of Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana
2015 Anderson, Kami J. (нар. 1975) Language, identity, and choice : raising bilingual children in a global society / Kami J. Anderson
1992 Redding, J. Saunders (1906—1988) A scholar's conscience : selected writings of J. Saunders Redding, 1942―1977 / edited with an introduction by Faith Berry
2004 Rouse, Carolyn Moxley Engaged surrender : Afr. Amer. women and Islam / Carolyn Moxley Rouse
2004 Организация Объединенных Наций. Научно-исследовательский институт социального развития Environment and morality : Confronting environmental racism in the United States / Robert D.Bullard
2011 Воробей, Надія Володимирівна Етнокультурна картина світу в афро-американській поезії: лінгвокогнітивний та лінгвокультурологічний аспекти : автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата філологічних наук : 10.02.04 / Воробей Надія Володимирівна ; Херсонський державний університет
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