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Дата Автор Заглавие
2008 United Nations. International Labour Organization Fundamental principles of occupational health and safety / Benjamin O. Alli
2008 United Nations. International Labour Organization Sources and methods: labour statistics : employment in the tourism industries / World Tourism Organization
2006 United Nations. International Labour Organization Meeting the employment challenge : Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico in the global economy / Janine Berg, Christoph Ernst, and Peter Auer ; United Nations. International Labour Organization
2006 United Nations. International Labour Organization Key indicators of the labour market / United Nations. International Labour Organization
2007 United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs Review of national action plans on youth employment : putting commitment into action / International Labour Organization ; The World Bank ; United Nations Secretariat
2007 United Nations. International Labour Organization Gender equality around the world : articles from "World of Work" magazine, 1999-2006
1999 United Nations. International Labour Organization Sources and methods : Labour statistics = Sources et methodes : Statistiques du travail : Companion to the Yearbook of labour statistics. — Vol. 9: Transition countries = Pays en transition
2007 United Nations. International Labour Organization Freedom of association and collective bargaining in export processing zones : role of the ILO supervisory mechanisms / Ramapriya Gopalakrisnan
2000 United Nations. International Labour Organization Symposium on the Social and Labour Consequenses of Technological Developments, Deregulation and Privatization of Transport, 20-24 Sept. 1999, Geneva : Final report
2008 United Nations. International Labour Organization Globalization, flexibilization and working conditions in Asia and the Pacific / edited by Sangheon Lee and François Eyraud
2003 United Nations. International Labour Organization Tripartite meeting on challenges and opportunities facing public utilities, Geneva, 19-23 May 2003 : Note on the proceedings
2004 ООН. Международная организация труда. Международная конференция труда. Сессия (92; 2004). Доклад 4(2A) : Развитие людских ресурсов и подготовка кадров: Пункт 4 повестки дня ; 2004
2001 Nations Unies. Organisation internationale du travail. Vie au travail et economie de l'information : Rapp. sur l'emploi dans le monde, 2001 / Dep. de la Communication BIT
2004 United Nations. International Labour Organization Gender roles and sex equality : Europ. solutions to social security disputes: Global campaign on social security and coverage for all / Ingeborg Heide
2000 United Nations. International Labour Organization Social security pensions : Development and reform / Ed.: Colin Gillion et al
2003 United Nations. International Labour Organization Key indicators of the labour market
2000 United Nations. International Labour Organization Tripartite Meeting on the Social and Labour Impact of Globalization in the Manufacture of Transport Equipment, Geneva, 8-12 May, 2000 : Note on the proceedings
2003 Организация Объединенных Наций. Научно-исследовательский институт социального развития Migrant workers and xenophobia in the Middle East / Ray Jureidini
2003 United Nations. International Labour Organization Jobs and incomes in a globalizing world / Ajit K. Ghose
2000 United Nations. International Labour Organization Workers without frontiers : The impact of globalization on international migration / Peter Stalker
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