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Дата Автор Заглавие
2004   The Oxford dictionary of quotations / editor: Elizabeth Knowles
2002 Green, E.H.H Ideologies of conservation : conservative political ideas in the twentieth century / E.H.H. Green
2009 Beebee, Thomas O. Millennial literatures of the Americas, 1492—2002 / Thomas O. Beebee
2010 Skidmore, Thomas E. Modern Latin America / Thomas E. Skidmore, Peter H. Smith, James N. Green
2009 Peimani, Hooman (доктар філасофіі ; палітолаг ; нар. 1957) Conflict and security in Central Asia and the Caucasus / Hooman Peimani
2011 Winkler, Allan M. The Cold War : a history in documents / Allan M. Winkler
2010 Van Deemter, Kees Not exactly : in praise of vagueness / Kees van Deemter
2011 Chapman, Bert Geopolitics : a guide to the issues / Bert Chapman
1989   Gender and theory : dialogues on feminist criticism / edited by Linda Kauffman
2011   Iraq War cultures / edited by Cynthia Fuchs and Joe Lockard
2010   Ethnonationalism in India : a reader / edited by Sanjib Baruah
2011   The concise encyclopedia of sociology / edited by George Ritzer and J. Michael Ryan
2006 Prinz, Jesse J. Gut reactions : a perceptual theory of emotion / Jesse J. Prinz
1983 Thomson, Belinda The post-impressionists [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / Belinda Thomson
1964 Macpherson, Crawford Brough (1911―1987) The political theory of possessive individualism : Hobbes to Locke / C. B. Macpherson
2011   Comparative politics / edited by Daniele Caramani
2012   Cold War cultures : perspectives on Eastern and Western European societies / edited by Annette Vowinckel, Marcus M. Payk, and Thomas Lindenberger
2008 Olsen, Kirstin All things Austen : a concise encyclopedia of Austen's world / Kirstin Olsen
2012 Shippen, Mick Enchanting Myanmar [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / Mick Shippen
2012 Rennie, Susan Jamieson's "Dictionary of Scots" : the story of the first historical dictionary of the Scots language / Susan Rennie
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