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Дата Автор Заглавие
1959   Прыгоды Лісічкі і Ваўка : беларуская народная казка / у сцэнічнай апрацоўцы А. і В. Пануцэвіч
1995 Gatewood, Robert D. Management : comprehension, analysis, and application / Robert D. Gatewood, Robert R. Taylor, O. C. Ferrell
1995 Donnelly, James H. Fundamentals of management / James H. Donnelly, James L. Gibson, John M. Ivancevich
1995 Peter, J.Paul Marketing management : knowledge and skills : [text, analysis, cases, plans] / J. Paul Peter, James H. Donnelly
1913 Marchlewski, Julian Baltazar (1866―1925) Antysemityzm a robotnicy / J. B. Marchlewski
1968 Condit, Carl W. American building : materials and techniques from the first colonial settlements to the present / Carl W. Condit
1936 Temperley, Harold The Crimea / Harold Temperley
1931   Science and mechanics : the monthly magazine for craftsmen
1950   Power engineering
1929   The journal of modern history / published in co-operation with the Modern European History Section of the American Historical Association
1872 Lassalle, Ferdinand (1825—1864) Die Feste, die Presse und der Frankfurter Abgeordnetentag : drei Symptome des öffentlichen Geistes : eine Rede, gehalten in den Versammlungen des Allgemeinen deutschen Arbeiter-Vereins zu Barmen, Solingen und Düsseldorf / von Ferdinand Lassalle
2015 Erickson, Paul (нар. 1976) The world the game theorists made / Paul Erickson
2015 Young, Elizabeth Marie Translation as muse : poetic translation in Catullus's Rome / Elizabeth Marie Young
2016   Groovy science : knowledge, innovation, and American counterculture / edited by David Kaiser and W. Patrick McCray
1992 Sokorski, Włodzimierz Adieu, burdel, czyli Notatnik intymny / Włodzimierz Sokorski ; inspiracja i współpraca redakcyjna: Stanisław Zawiśliński ; [rysunki i projekt okładki: Lech Zahorski]
1986 Mansbridge, Jane J. Why we lost the ERA / Jane J. Mansbridge
1905 Untermann, Ernst Science and revolution / Ernest Untermann
2015 Haggerty, Kevin 57 ways to screw up in grad school : perverse professional lessons for graduate students / Kevin D. Haggerty and Aaron Doyle
2018   Dreamers, visionaries, and revolutionaries in the life sciences / edited by Oren Harman and Michael R. Dietrich
1973 Turabian, Kate L. A manual for writers of term papers, theses, and dissertations / Kate L. Turabian
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