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Дата Автор Заглавие
1994 O'Neill, Patrick Geoffrey Essential Kanji : 2000 basic Japanese characters systematically arranged for learning and reference / P. G. O'Neill
2009   Genesis and development of tantrism / edited by Shingo Einoo
2009   Science of human development for restructuring the "gap widening society" : selected papers / [program leader: Hiroaki Mimizuka]
2010 Uchida Reiko (нар. 1936) Path to world peace from hardship to realization / Reiko Uchida
2009   The interrelationship of relics and images in Christian and Buddhist culture : "death and life" and visual culture 1 / [edited by Akira Akiyama and Kana Tomizawa (Kitazawa)] ; Тhe University of Tokyo, Graduate School and Sociology, Global COE Program DALS
2010   Multination states in Asia : accommodation or resistance / edited by Jacques Bertrand, André Laliberté
2010   Major powers' nuclear policies and international order in the 21st century : [papers of] the 2009 NIDS International Symposium on Security Affairs / Ministry of Defense of Japan, The National Institute for Defense Studies
2012 Khan-Panni, Phillip The "Financial Times" essential guide to making business presentations : how to deliver a winning message / Phillip Khan-Panni
1990 Rose, Peter I. They and we : racial and ethnic relations in the United States / Peter I. Rose
1990 Wilson, Gerald L. Groups in context : leadership and participation in small groups / Gerald L. Wilson & Michael S. Hanna
1991   The Western experience / Mortimer Chambers [et al.]
1994 King, Alfred M. Total cash management : a company-wide system for forecasting, managing, and improving cash flow / Alfred M. King
1991   Psychology today : an introduction / Richard R. Bootzin [et al.]
1991 Schiffhorst, Gerald J. The short handbook for writers / Gerald J. Schiffhorst, John F. Schell
2012 Drucker, Johanna Graphic design history : a critical guide / Johanna Drucker, Emily McVarish
2011 Meisel, Jürgen Michael (лінгвіст ; нар. 1944) First and second language acquisition : parallels and differences / Jürgen M. Meisel
2011 Citko, Barbara Symmetry in syntax : merge, move, and labels / Barbara Citko
2010 Gandhi, Jennifer (нар. 1975) Political institutions under dictatorship / Jennifer Gandhi
2012 Itto, Jinnai (1938— ) Nature is love, nature is life II [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / Itto Jinnai
2013 Цэнтр фінансавай разведкі Японіі Annual report, 2012
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