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Дата Автор Заглавие
1998 European Communities. European Commission The dynamics of Tempus in higher education : conference report, 14―15.11.1997, Slovenia
2008 European Communities. European Commission BUMAD Project, 2003―2008 : Project of the European Union and the United Nations Development Programme "Programme of Assistance for the Prevention of Drug Abuse and Drug Trafficking in Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova (BUMAD)"
2002 European Communities. European Commission Serving the people of Europe : How the Europ. Commiss. works
2000 European Communities. European Commission Tax policy in the European Union
2000 European Communities. European Commission Europe - an area for research
1999 European Communities. European Commission The contribution of business services to industrial performance : A common policy framework
2005 European Communities. European Commission Let's explore Europe!
1995 European Communities. European Commission Creating jobs : Booklet
1996 European Communities. European Commission Environmental protection: a shared responsibility : Booklet
2002 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Report on the improvement of the management of radiation protection aspects in the recycling of metal scrap / Europ. Comm., Intern. Atomic Energy Agency
2002 European Communities. European Commission The EU 2001 : Yearbook: Concise version / Press and Inform. Dep
2000 European Communities. European Commission A Community of fifteen : Key figures: [Booklet] / Eurostat
1996 European Communities. European Commission Reader's guide to free information from the European Union
2000 European Communities. European Commission The application of the "polluter pays" principle in Cohesion Fund countries : The Cohesion Fund and the environment
1996 European Communities. European Commission How does the European Union manage agriculture and fisheries?
2007 European Communities. European Commission European Migration Network : conditions of entry and residence of third country highly-skilled workers in the EU
1997   Travelling in Europe. The European Union [Карты] : Member states, regions and administrative units / Map by: Lovell Johns
2012   Uticaj demografskih i migracionih tokova na Srbiju / [autori: Marek Kupiszewski, Dorota Kupiszewska, Vladimir Nikitović] ; Međunarodna organizacija za migracije, Misija u Beogradu, Projekat "Jačanje kapaciteta institucija Republike Srbije za upravljanje migracijama i reintegraciju povratnika"
1994 TACIS Information Office Tacis news : newsletter of the Tacis Information Office
2001 European Communities. European Commission Impressions of Olmany [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : life in the areas contaminated by the Chernobyl accident = Взгляд на Ольманы : жизнь на территориях, загрязненных в результате Чернобыльской аварии : this publication has been produced [on the occasion of the exhibition held at the Palais du Grand Large of Saint-Malo, France, 23―24 September 1998] in the framework of ETHOS, a project carried out within the European Communities research activities / [texts and captions: Mireille Tabare] ; [photography: Gilles Le Cardinal, Jacques Lochard] ; [translation: Irina Sombré, Julie Rigby]
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