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1997 Council of Europe European Conference on sport and local authorities, 1996, Godollo : Proceedings / Congr. of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
2000 Council of Europe Young people of the year 2000... Active members of the local community, participants in regional life, citizens of Europe : Local and regional citizenship for young people aged between 12 and 18 : A practical guide
1990 Council of Europe Arrangement for the application of the European Agreement of 17 October 1980 concerning the Provision of Medical Care to Persons during Temporary Residence, 26.V.1988 = Arrangement pour l'application de l'accord europeen du 17 octobre 1980 concernant l'octroi des soins medicaux aux personnes en sejour temporaire, 26.V.1988
2000 Council of Europe Guidelines for the protection of the architectural heritage = Directives sur la protection du patrimoine architectural
2000 Council of Europe Structure and operation of local and regional democracy : United Kingdom : Situation in 1999 : Report adopted by the Steering Committee on Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR) in December 1999
1989 Council of Europe Saproxylic invertebrates and their conservation / M.C.D. Speight
1994 Council of Europe The effects on labour relations of new forms of organisation of work in firms : Rep. of a study group 1991-92 Programme of Co-ordinated Research in the Social Field / Steering Comm. for Employment and Labour
???? Council of Europe European Convention to the formalities required for patent applications, 11.XII.1953, Paris = Convention europeenne relative aux formalites prescrites pour les demandes de brevets, 11.XII.1953, Paris
1992 Council of Europe European Convention on Cinematographic Co-production, 2.X.1992, Strasbourg = Convention europeenne sur la coproduction cinematographique, 2.X.1992, Strasbourg
1992 Council of Europe European Conventionon on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage (revised), 16.I.1992, Valletta = Convention europeenne pour la protection du patrimoine archeologique (revisee), 16.I.1992, La Valette
1990 Council of Europe Protocol to the Convention on the Elaboration of a European Pharmacopoeia, 16.XI.1989 = Protocole a la Convention relative a l'elaboration d'une pharmacopee europeenne, 16.XI.1989
1990 Council of Europe European Convention on the Recognition of the Legal Personality of International Non-Governmental Organisations, 24.IV.1986, Strasbourg = Convention europeenne sur la reconnaissance de la personnalite juridique des organisations internationales non gouvernementales, 24.IV.1986, Strasbourg
2000 Council of Europe Teaching 20th century women's history: a classroom approach : A teaching pack designed for use in secondary schools / Ruth Tudor ; Council for Cultural Co-operation
1983 Council of Europe Music industries and creativity : Papers presented to the Symposium organised by the Council of Europe on:"Creative artists and the industrialisation of culture: music", Strasbourg, 26-27 Nov. 1982
1997 Council of Europe Sustainable tourism development : conciliation of economic, cultural, social, scientific and environmental interests : Proceedings [of the] Colloquy, 12-14 Sept. 1996, Maribor / Directorate of Environment and Local Authorities, Sloven. Min. of the Environment and Physical Planning
1990 Council of Europe Protection of public health : Partial Agreement in the social and publ. health field: Activity rep., 1989-90
1987 Council of Europe Conference of institutions responsible for teaching the subject "computers and law", 9-11 Oct. 1985, Rome : Proc
1969 Council of Europe Explanatory report on the European Convention for the protection of animals during international transport
1998 Council of Europe Model provisions for a bilateral social security agreement and explanatory report = Dispositions modeles pour un accord bilateral en matiere de securite sociale et rapport explicatif
1995 Council of Europe European Convention on Human rights : Collected texts
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