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2007 European Communities. European Commission European Migration Network : conditions of entry and residence of third country highly-skilled workers in the EU
2011 United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Statistics Division Manual on statistics of international trade in services, 2010
2001 European Communities. European Commission Impressions of Olmany [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : life in the areas contaminated by the Chernobyl accident = Взгляд на Ольманы : жизнь на территориях, загрязненных в результате Чернобыльской аварии : this publication has been produced [on the occasion of the exhibition held at the Palais du Grand Large of Saint-Malo, France, 23―24 September 1998] in the framework of ETHOS, a project carried out within the European Communities research activities / [texts and captions: Mireille Tabare] ; [photography: Gilles Le Cardinal, Jacques Lochard] ; [translation: Irina Sombré, Julie Rigby]
2004 European Communities. European Commission From farm to fork : Safe food for Europe's consumers / Europ. Union
2009 European Communities. European Parliament The European Parliament
2004 European Communities. European Commission Key facts and figures about the European Union
2000 European Communities. European Commission Healthy food for Europe's citizens : The European Union and food quality
2001 European Communities. European Commission The institutions and bodies of the European Union: Who's who in the European Union? : What difference will the Treaty of Nice make?
2008 European Communities. European Commission Growing regions, growing Europe : fifth progress report on economic and social cohesion
2003 European Communities. European Commission Comment fonctionne l'Union européenne? : guide des institutions européennes à l'usage des citoyens
2003 European Communities. European Commission Wie funktioniert die Europäische Union? : ein Wegweiser für die Bürger zu den Organen und Einrichtungen der EU
2013 May, Guy (нар. 1945) Kultur und Gesellschaft in der Bundesfestung und der Stadt Luxemburg (1815―1914) / Guy May
1998   European law reporter : ELR
2008 United Nations Improving lives : results from the partnership of the United Nations and the European Commission in 2007 : [to the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights]
2010 European Communities. European Commission The European Commission, 2010—2014 : profiles and priorities
1995 European Communities. European Commission The European Commission, 1995 – 2000 / European Commission
2011 European Communities. European Commission Tales from the future / Robert Billing
2008   Research for Europe : a selection of EU success stories / edited by Julia Acevedo Bueno
1997 Weidenfeld, Werner Europa de la A a la Z : guía de la integración europea / Werner Weidenfeld, Wolfgang Wessels ; Institut für Europäische Politik
2003 European Communities. European Commission Projekt traktatu ustanawiającego Konstytucję dla Europy : przyjęty w drodze konsensu przez Konwent Europejski w dniach 13 czerwca i 10 lipca 2003 roku : przedłożony przewodniczącemu Rady Europejskiej w Rzymie, 18 lipca 2003 roku
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